chapter 13- care and protect

Start from the beginning

'Gra-.... Gray-s...', tears started to flow from her tears. Juvia jumped up and held Gray in a tight hug as she sobbed against his chest. Gray held her even closer as he wrapped his arms around her and let her cry to her hearts content.

'Than... Thank y-, Gr-', the tears multiplied as she cried even more. But every tear was from joy. She hoped for this moment the most since the doctor gave her the news. Gray wouldn't abandon her.

Gray stroke her hair till the sobbing softened. Even when she stopped crying, Juvia laid on his chest. Gray wiped a tear away that was resting on her cheek. He smiled tender towards Juvia and she smiled back. There was a difference in this smile and the other 'happy' smiles she had given him the other day. This one was like the old once, spontaneous and a smile that could lighten up the room.

Juvia pulled herself up after a while and stroke her belly while repeating Gray's words: 'everything will be alright'.

'How sweet', Rose sneered in the door opening.

'How long are you standing there?', Gray asked.

'Too long, if that's what you mean...', Rose said. A blush coloured Gray's cheek as he thought of the kiss he just placed on Juvia's forehead. Did she see that?. 'Glad to see you're finally awake but get up, would ya? I need to talk to you'.

'Finally? How long was I gone?' Gray asked but Rose walked away without an answer. Juvia answered instead of Rose. 'It's been two days. The doctor said Gray-sama's body had to replenish with magic'.

'Two days huh?', Gray sighed and stood up from his bed. He didn't feel strange, he felt even better then normal. He noticed the typical hospital outfit and sighed another time. 'Juvia, do you know where my clothes are?'

'Juvia will get them', she stood up and walked into the other room. Meanwhile Gray got rid of the uncomfortable suit. He waited with only his underwear till Juvia returned with his clothes.

It took a while so Gray decided to look for Juvia. He walked into the hallway and had to guess which way he had to go to. He stopped in the middle of the hallway when he heard something coming from the woman's bathroom. He waited till he heard it again, Juvia was throwing up.


No response except another sound of gagging.

'I'm coming in', Gray stated before opening the door.

Juvia looked at him for a second before embracing the toilet for another attack. 'Sorry', she huffed, trying to hold back the vomit.

'Don't be', Gray grabbed her hair and held it in a ponytail. Meanwhile he sat next to her and waited till she would feel alright.

---time skip---

'You should lay down', Gray supported Juvia as they walked to the same bed Gray laid just a few minutes ago.

'Juvia feels much better already'.

'Let me take care of you too, alright?. You are sick'.

'Juvia isn't sick', she whined as Gray forced her to lay down.

'How many weeks are you? Your not supposed to be nauseous anymore', Gray insisted.

'almost three months', Juvia covered most of her face with the blanket. Only her eyes peeked above it. She tried to hide a big smile. Gray-sama must love Juvia if he's concerned. Subconscious she rubbed the spot on her head that Gray had kissed not too long ago.

'Then you should definitely rest'.

'Gray-sama?' Juvia wanted to ask a question but didn't know how.

'Hmm?' he waited.

'Well....' Would Gray-sama take care of Juvia and the baby? she wanted to say it. But she couldn't. It was Juvia's biggest wish, but she didn't dare the ask the question.

'What is it?, Gray asked.

'uhmmm Juvia wanted to.. to ask G......'

'GRAYYY', Rose barged into the room.

'What is it this time?' Gray was annoyed. Why did she have to interupt every time?

'YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COME... remember?' she grinned her teeth and pulled Gray out the chair.

'Can you wait just a moment?'

'I did wait.. you're coming, NOW', she pushed Gray to the door. Resistance was futile.

'Rose', Juvia said before they both walked through the door. Rose turned around and waited. 'You better not fall in love with Gray-sama', Juvia warned.

Rose huffed, 'as if'. She walked out the room.

Gray was waiting for her with his arms crossed. He seemed irritated, but it was nothing compared to the irritation she felt. 'Having fun?'

Gray started to blush. 'I was helping a friend. She is sick'.

'Ow please, don't lie to me. You already told me you fell in love with someone. It's obvious it's her'.

'....' Gray was searching for words. 'It is?'

'yes! But I didn't pull you away from your lover to talk about the love life you deny. I want to know if the curse is broken'.

'Did you try walking away?'

'Did you!?', Rose growled before she bit her underlip and looked away. She seemed vulnerable, as if she would break with the wrong response.

'You know what. I'll walk away and we'll see if anything happens', Gray offered.

'fine', Rose huffed.

Gray sighed and started walking away. But the distance didn't lessen as Rose followed him.

'It's not going to work if you follow me', Gray said without turning around. He wanted to walk far enough, check if the curse was dispelled and return to Juvia as soon as possible.

'I don't even want to', Rose crossed her arms and looked away.

'So the curse isn't lifted?' Gray asked.

'I didn't say that', she growled.

'Then stand still', Gray took a few steps till he heard Rose following him. At the same moment he saw Toby on the other side of the main-hall.

'Hey Toby! Could you grab her for me?'


'It's important' Gray yelled back.

'FINE', Toby grabbed Rose and Gray started walking away before he could even hear Rose complaining again. This way Rose wouldn't follow him and a friend was looking after her.
Walking changed into running and soon Gray was outside. He ran far enough to make sure the curse was broken.

He quickly ran back and found Rose crying while holding onto Toby.

'It didn't work?' Gray asked. He felt defeated. They were bound long enough.

'I don't know... Did you even ran far enough?', Rose growled.

'I ran far enough. You didn't notice?'

'Thank god', Rose buried her face against Toby's chest. 'I'm free from that idiot'.

'THEN STOP CRYING', Toby yelled.

In a split second Rose pushed him away and slapped his arm. 'That was scary!' The tension and relief must have been too much for Rose to handle. It's no wonder she would cry. She was finally free from the curse that had haunted her for many years, freezing her on the top of a mountain.

Toby turned his head to the side, he didn't understand.

'Idiot', Rose laughed in relief.

Toby started to join her in laughter and Gray silently left the scene.
He did want to ask her to remove his curse, so Juvia could love him for real, but this wasn't the time.
For now he wanted to check if Juvia was feeling better or not.

He walked into the room and found Juvia in a serious conversation with Lyon. Gray was met with the biggest smile from Juvia when she saw him enter.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now