65. Voices

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More days passed, and ___'s health was getting better, her pulse too. But the bad thing was that it was consuming a lot of blood. The wizards were with her almost all the time because Carlisle told them that the baby would be born soon which worried them.

___ was talking with Mrs. Weasley through her phone while Edward served more blood into a glass. When he threw the bag to the trash, he noticed that it was the last bag for his wife. He went to the living room and saw her sitting on the couch with her phone.

___: Yes, I'm okay. There's nothing to worry about. - she told Mrs. Weasley

Molly: Are you sure, dear? We can go and see you for a few days.

___: It's not necessary, I don't want to worry you.

Molly: You know that Harry and you are like daughter and son for me. Take care, dear. I'll call again soon.

___: I will. Goodbye, Molly.

She hung up the phone and noticed her husband's presence. He approached her, left the glass in a table that was in front of her, and sat beside her.

___: Are you okay?

Edward: I'm sorry, for everything, I shouldn't have left you alone in this. I should've supported you in your decision, not leaving you. I'm so sorry, my love.

He looked down sadly. She took his chin for him to look into her eyes.

___: I get it. You don't have to apologize for anything. If it was the other way around, I'd act the same way. Besides, they say that the first year's the hardest.

Edward: What a year.

Both looked at each other and smiled. But Edward frowned.

Edward: What?

___: What is it?

Edward: Say something else.

___: Like what?

Edward: No, my love, I can hear the baby.

___: Really? - she asked excitedly - What do you hear?

Edward: He likes the sound of your voice and he wants to meet you. - he said rubbing her belly

___: I also want to meet you. - she said placing her hand on top of Edward's

He approached a little bit more and placed a kiss on her belly.

Edward: I thought that he was like me but he's like you. He has a part of me and another one of you.

___: It's our baby.

Edward sat on the couch, rubbing her belly and laughing with her

Edward sat on the couch, rubbing her belly and laughing with her

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Suddenly, the wizards entered the living room. And when they saw the couple, they got surprised because Edward wasn't staying away from her anymore.

Harry: Are we interrupting something?

Edward: Not at all, Harry.

___: Harry, Edward can hear the baby.

Hermione: Really?! That's amazing!        (I just remembered a scene in Grown Ups in which Marcus makes a joke about maize and says "It's a-maize-ing" JAJAJAJJA)

Edward: He wants to hear Harry. - ___'s brother approached her and put his hand on her belly - He wants to hear your voice, Harry.

Harry: Hey, little guy, I'm your uncle. I want to meet you already and teach you spells and how to fly a broom. I'm sure you'll be a great Seeker like your uncle.

He smilled at her and asked Hermione and Ron to come.

Ron: Or Chaser like his mother.

Edward: He likes the sound of your voices.

The wizards rubbed ___'s belly while talking to the baby. Having a good time and being a bit happy during the whole situation.

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