16. Bella Swan 5/7

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The next morning, everyone was ouside the Burrow to say ___ goodbye.

Harry: Take care. Over everything else, take care. I love you, sis.

Molly: Write to us, dear.

Hermione: I don't agree but you'll do it anyway.

She hugged her friend.

Ron: Another goodbye, I don't like them. Take care, ___.

George: Take care, ___. And if that vampire hurts you, I'll make his immortality impossible. - he said making everyone laugh

Harry: Me too, no one hurts my sister.

Ron: Not only you, I'll also do it.

Bill: You're not the only ones, no one touches the little Potter girl. - he said messing her hair

___: Well, I think it's time. Kreacher. - he appeared by her side - It's time to go. - he nodded, she took his hand and disappeared from there

They reappeared on ___'s house.

___: This'll be our home, Kreacher.

Kreacher: As you wish. I'll go make something to eat and organize the house.

He went from there and she was only thinking of her loved one.

___: Kreacher, I'll go out for a while, I'll call you if I need anything.

She got out of the house and went to the Cullen household. She was nervous. When she arrived, she knocked the door. Alice opened it and when she saw her, she was without words.

___: Hi.

Alice hugged her, thinking it was a product of her imagination but no, it really was her.

Alice: But how? I saw you die. How is this posible?

___: It's a long story.

Alice: Come in, I'll call everyone.

___ entered and went to the living room. Alice called her family who didn't understand anything until they saw the Potter girl in their living room. Rosalie was the first one to hug her.

Rosalie: It's you. But how?

___: You see? You can't get rid of me that easily.

Emmet: Girlie, it's you.

He hugged her and raised her up a bit.

Jasper: I knew you were difficult to defeat.

He hugged because he had a good friendship with her.

Carlisle: I'm glad you're okay. When Alice didn't see you in her visions, we got worried.

Esme: My child, I'm glad you're here.

She hugged her tightly because for her, she was another daughter.

___: I'm glad to see you all. If you think I was dead, you were right but Harry and I used the Ressurection Stone and I'm here. Where's Edward? I'd like to see him.

The Cullens stayed quiet, the only one who looked angry was Rosalie which ___ didn't understand. In that moment, Edward entered the house but he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by a brown haired girl who was taking his hand. When Edward saw ___, he paralized seeing her, thinking it was a product of his imagination.

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