55. The day before 1/5

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The days went by very fast, ___ gave the invitations to her friends and the tribe. But days after receiving the inviation, Jacob disappeared without an explanation.

It was the day before the wedding. ___ was with Hermione, Fleur, Ginny and Alice, trying to walk with her high heels which were a bit tight. She was walking down the Cullen household's stairs but when she touched the floor, she almost fell but Fleur cought her on time. ___ looked at Alice who was looking at her with a mocking smile.

Alice: You just have to break them in.

___: I've been breaking them in, for four days. Can't I just go with shoes or barefoot?

Hermione: Don't even think about it. You won't go barefoot.

Each member of the Cullen family but Edward was preparing and placing all the decoration in its place.

Emmett: Where do I put this, boss? - he asked Alice while carrying a piece of a tree trunk

Alice: On the other side of the isle.

Rosalie: What isle? - she asked carrying another tree trunk

Alice: Does no one have vision??? - she asked while walking down the stairs to help them

Harry approached his sister.

Harry: Can you walk already? - he asked her who shook her head and took off her high heels to put on her shoes

She gave Ginny the high heels.

Harry: How can you walk with that?

Ginny: We can't.

The wizards laughed. ___ switched her gaze to Edward who was inside the house and looking through the window. She going to go with him but Alice stepped in her way.

Alice: Now, go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow's the day. It's an order.

___ nodded and looked at Edward one last time. She went to her house to rest before her wedding. When she least expected it, it was already dark.

She found herself watching a small photo album of her and her friends during their years at Hogwarts. Suddenly, she felt a wave of wing behind her. She immediately felt an arm around her waist. She turned around to find those golden eyes that she loved so much.

Edward: Hi. Nervous for tomorrow? - he asked while hugging her waist

She wrapped her arms around his neck.

___: A bit. You don't marry the love of your life everyday. - both of them laughed but she noticed him a bit insecure - Is something wrong? I can see you're insecure about something.

Edward: No, it's just that I've been thinking about everything we've been through. As in my past life and as in this one. Finally keeping my promise of marrying you.

___: Who would've thought? Our lives were destined to be together after all. We had to separate to be sure.

Edward: Some way of separating. - he said before kissing her

She tangled her hand in his hair, deepening the kiss. He pulled her closer to him. They separated when they heard a noise outside the house. Suddenly, Emmett jumped on the window frame.

Emmett: Sorry to interrupt you but we have to go, Edward

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Emmett: Sorry to interrupt you but we have to go, Edward. - he said jumping out of the window

___: Where?

Edward: To my bachelor party.

She raised an eyebrow.

___: Are there gonna be strippers? - she asked trying not to sound jealous

But he noticed it and laughed.

Edward: No, just a few pumas and a couple of bears. Nothing extraordinary.

He was going to kiss her again but they heard the same noise. But thise time, it was Jasper.

Jasper: Girlie, send him out or we'll come in for him.

___: Go or they'll destroy the house. - she told Edward laughing

Edward: I'll see you at the altar.

___: I'll be there. I'll be the one in white.

Edward: I found you easily.

He gave her one last kiss before jumping out the winndow. She saw them disappear into the forest. She turned around fell on her bed to sleep before her wedding.

She dreamed of being in the Forbidden Forest. In front of her, were her parents, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Alastor, Fred and Dumblledore. She approached them and her parents hugged her.

Lily: My little girl. Look at you, you're already a grown up.

James: My girl is now a lady, and a very pretty one. She obviously looks like me. - he said looking at her and making her laugh

Sirius: What are you saying, Prongs? She obviously looks more like her beloved godfather.

Remus: You wish. If she looked like you, Padfoot, you may have already disgraced her.

___: I missed you.

Fred: We missed you too, girlie. But remember, we'll always be with you. I can't believe that you're getting married tomorrow. - he said hugging her

Alastor: There's no doubt that you'll be happy, little girl.

Tonks: I don't doubt it. And how did Harry react to the news?

___: He fainted.

Everyone laughed.

Dumbledore: We expected that. You're his sister and his greatest treasure.

Lily: I'm really proud of you, my dear. You and Harry are our pride. We just expected him to get married first.

James: My baby has grown. It's difficult to accept it.

Dumbledore: We'll be there with you. Not physically, but in your heart. And I think it's time to wake up, Ms. Potter.

She nodded and hugged each one of her loved ones one last time. The next day it will be the day she was going to get married with the love of her life.

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