Chapter 48

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"Alright, I'll make sure those two don't get off easy. I guess we shouldn't mention why we have them and what happened here." Toby says. "If you wouldn't mind, I want to wait for Levi to change his mind and allow me to return or when Sirius grows up and decides on what he wants to be." I hum. Toby nods and he and EJ leave. A few days passed and I was sitting in the living room burping Sirius after feeding him when Toby entered through the back door clutching a letter in his hand. "Toby? We weren't expecting you to be back so soon. What's going on?" Connie asks. Everyone else turns to look at him as he walks up to me. "Here, it's from Solar. He wanted someone to deliver it to you. So I offered. I don't have any idea what it says." Toby says, holding out the letter. I pass Sirius to Jess and take the letter opening it. Toby leaves again and I read the letter, my breath catching in my throat. "What's wrong JD?" Alex asks. "Levi, he wants me to come back to the castle to discuss my exile. As soon as possible." I mutter. "Well, isn't that good news?" Lyra asks. "Yeah it is, but what am I going to do? I don't want to go alone just in case something happens but I don't want to leave Sirius home alone." I bite the inside of my cheek. "How about we all just come along and bring Sirius with us? It'll be safe for the both of you." Connie says. "Are you guys sure you want to make this trip with me? It's not the funniest thing." I rub the back of my neck. "JD, you are our leader. If you want us to follow, we will follow you anywhere. We are the Survivors remember?" Jay says. "Alright, we should probably head out now then. No need to wait around." I sigh and bundle myself and Sirius up in warm clothes and wrap Sirius in a blanket. "It'll be extremely hot once we get there but for now, it will be alright to bundle up. " I say. Connie, Jay, Alex, Jess and Lyra pull on their masks and we start our trip into the trees. We remained silent, watching and listening for any possible threats. Once we reached the castle I could hear multiple people talking inside. "Sounds like he invited every Creepy Pasta to this." Alex says. "Probably did. Be prepared for anything, we don't know what could happen. Even if that means you might have to fight an old friend." I glance back at the others. They nod and I push the door open. All conversation dies as we enter, eyes watching us. Levi sat on the throne with Zalgo standing beside him. "Ah JD, there you are. And you brought friends, how nice." Levi says standing up. "Solar, you really had to change your name?" I ask tilting my head. He smiles, "Of course, how could anyone rule with a name like Levi?" Solar asks. I just sigh. "So, what did you want to talk about? It must be important if everyone is gathered." I hum. Shifting Sirius slightly, he was asleep in my arms. "Oh yes, very important indeed. I have been thinking about you and your exile." Solar says. I watch him carefully. "And I figured that Exiling you was to harsh. So I thought about it and decided that instead of being exiled, I would just kill you." Solar glares at me harshly. Everyone seemed to tense and I flinched at Solar's harsh words, which in turn, cause Sirius to cry. "Shh, it's okay." I whisper bouncing him slightly. Connie, Jay, Jess, Alex, and Lyra moved closer to me ready for a fight while the CreepyPastas stared at me in surprise and confusion. "What are you holding?" Solar asks. I ignore him, focusing on calming Sirius down when suddenly he is snatched from my arms. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" I snarl. Solar held Sirius by his arm pits making him cry more. "Why the hell is this thing here?" Solar tilts his head. I grew more angry hearing my baby cry. "GIVE ME BACK MY BABY LEVI!!" I snap and Solar's eyes widen. He looks at me and nearly drops Sirius, but I use the shadows to catch him and bring him back to my arms. "There there, Mamma's got you." I hum, rocking Sirius. He calmed down and went back to sleep. "I have a nephew? When did this happen? Who is the dad?" Solar asks no longer acting like an all powerful king but as my little brother. "Yes, he was born a few days ago. Our Stepfather, Tyler." I swallow nervously. 

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