Chapter 7

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I walk down stairs the next day and I see mother talking to a male on the couch and she is all over him. Flirting, running her hands over his thighs and chest. I silently gag and goes into the kitchen to get myself something to eat. I finish my food quickly and almost makes it back upstairs without being noticed by mother. "There you are Jasper. Come over here and meet my boyfriend Tyler." She says. I sigh and tuns back to face her and crosses my arms. "Nice to meet you." I force my voice to be nice. He smiles warmly. "Nice to meet you too Jasper." Tyler says and I go back to my room. It was Saturday so I didn't have school. I open my computer and hums softly as I go onto YouTube and turns on a random video to listen to while I work on projects or hobbies. Soon noon rolls around and I hear the front door open and close. I pause my video and head down stairs to see Tyler sitting on the couch by himself the TV playing a random show at max volume. "Where's Mother?" I ask leaning against the railing. He turns down the volume and turns to face me. "Got called into work. So we are home alone for a few hours." He says a weird tone attached to his words as he stands up walking towards me. I look at him and takes a step back freaked out by him. Tyler grabs my waist and tries to pull my closer to him. "We can do anything we want without getting caught." He purrs as he grabs my ass and I get what he is hinting at. I ball up my fist and swings at him catching him in the face then races up stairs to grab my phone and jacket along with my back pack then takes off out the front door away from him. After that Tyler has been getting more desperate and angry with me but hides it around Mother. Before I leave for school he angrily hisses in my ear before I head out the front door. "You won't escape from me once you get home tonight. The sooner you give in the quicker it ends." Tyler lets me pass and my fight is gone. I drop my gaze to the ground and climbs into the car. Mother drives me to school and I do my normal leaping out of the car before she parks and books it in to the school searching, I spot him ahead of me and I sprint at him and almost knocks him over. "Whoa JD. What's got you so worked up?" Ben asks grabbing my shoulders. I glance around and grabs his wrist and pulls him away from the rest of our friends quickly. I know every classroom and empty closet in this school. I shove him in before me then follows him in closing the door. "What's wrong JD? Why the closet?" He asks and I can hear the worry. "I can't resist my feelings for you any longer. I really need you right now Ben." I beg and internally cringe at myself and Ben's face slightly changes but never loses the worry in his eyes. Before he can get any words out I kiss him pushing his back against the wall. He kisses me back hungrily and his hands travel to my sides then slip up my shirt. Our tongues fight angrily and I move my hands from his face to his chest then the bottom of his shirt. I break away from him just to remove his shirt and he removes mine. We keep kissing and by now we are on the floor panting heavily for air. 

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