Chapter 22

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I hum softly as I sit in the living room of the mansion watching the TV with unseeing eyes. "JD? You seem distracted, distanced even." Ben asks. I blink quickly and looks at him. "Yeah, just after sleeping for three days I need a little while to reconnect to the world around me." I chuckle rubbing the back of my neck. "How about we go to the beach? We haven't done that in a while." Toby says. Slender nods. "Sure. Gather up your stuff and we'll head out immediately." Slender says and the mansion goes into uproar as people rush around grabbing swimsuits, towels, sunscreen and other things. I slip upstairs and changes into shorts and sandals but kept my hoodie on. Soon we are heading out the door and I stick to myself in the back of the group watching Levi talk to the others excitedly. Everyone spreads out across the beach and Levi pulls off his short sleeve shirt revealing the scar. It stretches across his chest from his left shoulder to his right hip, standing out against his skin. "Whoa, Levi. Where did you get that scar?" Sally asks. I bite my lip as I stand at a distance. Everyone turns to look at Levi. "Oh, I fell onto a fence climbing a tree when I was younger. " He lies and I sigh walking forward. I put my hand on the scar. "You don't have to lie Levi. I'm used to being hated." I mutter under my breath. "But JD, it's not fair." He says. "They are our family too. You shouldn't lie to family about things like scars." I say looking him in the eyes and smiles softly. "Okay...." He says and I back up. "It's actually from JD...... Do you remember when she had my head under her hoodie and I was smacking her? We both get these attacks where we are mean, and not just any kind of mean, like the desire to splatter blood across the world kind of mean. But since I am young my attacks aren't to bad. But JD's attacks, are so much worse. I got this scar because I was to close during it." He says. "No Levi, that's a lie. You weren't anywhere near me. You were up in my room while I was down stairs watching TV while mom was at work. Once I felt the attack, I couldn't rein it in fast enough and I lost control. I hunted you down with a kitchen knife in hand. I almost gutted you but our neighbors busted in a restrained me while the others patched you up. I couldn't look you in the eyes for months after it happened and I refused to sleep in the same house. Often sleeping on the roof or a tree nearby. I don't ever want you to look at me like you did that night again. So full of fear, sadness, anger, distrust, hurt, betrayed. I couldn't stand myself." I glare at the sand at my feet angrily.   "Is that why you don't get close to us? Because of these attacks?" Jane asks. I nod my head. "That's why I was locked in my room for three days. My irritation dragged it closer to the surface. So I stayed away, It's for the best until I am properly trained. If I am just let lose as the way I am I could hurt or kill any of you because of this beast, this Thing that makes me hurt those I love and hold dear to me. " I say not looking up as tears fall to the sand. 'Dammit, stop crying! You brought this on yourself.'  

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