Chapter 20

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I head back to the mansion the shadows trying to comfort me but I shake them off and keep walking. "Argh he irritates me." I growl lowly in my room. It had been finished while I had the others running around. My nails digging into my side as I feel that horrible feeling rising in my chest as it did every year. I walk to my bedroom door and locks it and then the window. "They can't see me like this. Zalgo don't let them hear me." I whisper as I feel my nails break through my skin. I stumble to the bathroom connected to my room and stares at myself in the mirror as my eyes dance between it's normal Aqua blue to an Icy blue. I clench my jaw holding back the horrifying psychotic laughter that haunted Levi's dreams when he wasn't seeing the future. I hated this, to me it was a curse. Levi's attacks aren't as bad as mine. He can get mean but not for very long and it's easy to keep him from hurting others. But mine, Levi fears me during them. I nearly killed him during an attack. He has forgiven me but I will never forgive myself. He has a scar across his chest because of them, of me. I hear someone knock on my bedroom door and I bite my tongue, watching it. "JD? It's me, Levi. I wanted to talk to you." He says and the door knob jiggles. 'No Levi, please stay away. I'm not safe to be around right now.' I stare at the door in horror before encasing myself in a shadow ball in the middle of my room. My body shudders and I can feel my strength slowly slip through my fingers the need to spill blood growing stronger. 'Zalgo, get him away from me. Keep them away.' I feel the tears roll down my cheeks. "JD? Are you okay? You never lock your door." Levi says his voice muffled through the door and the wall of the bubble around me.  I turn my back to the door and I see Zalgo standing there and my eyes tearing up more then they already were. He holds out his arms and with the strength I had left flung myself into his arms and he hugs me tightly keeping my face hidden as he teleports out of the mansion and into his kingdom. "They will be safe with you here." He says and I can hear the pain in his voice as he sets me in a cell. I struggle to form words, "It's for the best Zalgo. I am too dangerous, especially right now and having Levi so close that night..... I don't think I could look any of them in the eyes if I hurt any of them." I whisper as the door closes and I hear the lock click signifying that I am alone and the others safe until this passes. 

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