Chapter 49

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"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Levi asks. "Because I didn't know until a few days after you exiled me." I glance up at him. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "I've been a horrible little brother haven't I? I'm so sorry JD. I don't know what came over me." Levi said, rubbing the back of his neck. The Survivors relax slightly, but stay close to me. "It's alright Levi, I'm not mad anymore." I smile softly. "What's his name?" Levi looks at Sirius then me. "Sirius, I thought it was fitting since I am called Moon." I chuckle making Levi smile brightly. I pass Sirius to Levi and smiles as Levi cradles him. The tense atmosphere dissipating and everyone relaxing. Ben suddenly slams into my side almost knocking me over. "Careful Ben, she is still healing." EJ scolds. Ben ignores EJ and hugs me tightly. "I missed you." He whispers in my ear. I tear up and hugs him back. "I missed you too." I hum. I turn to Levi and sighs. "So, little brother. About my exile, what's the plan?" I ask bringing Levi's attention back to me. Zalgo is now holding Sirius. Levi clears his throat. "Oh right, that. Well, with this new information and future Heir, I think I can lift your exile." Levi says making me smile. "But let's not bank on Sirius wanting to take over. I want him to have a choice of what his life will be when he is older." I say. "What will you do if he doesn't want to be a Creepy pasta?" Jeff asks. I take Sirius back from Zalgo and looks down at him. He stares back up at me with the same blue eyes as me. "I don't know right now. I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it." I kiss Sirius's nose making him squeal. Ben wraps an arm around my waist and looks down at Sirius. "He's mine now." Ben says and I look at him an amused smile on my face. "You can't just claim him as yours. It doesn't work like that you goof." I giggle. "I can and did. Nothing you can do to stop me Sweetness." Ben says causing me to blush. "If that's all, I think it's time we all head home." Slender says.  

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