Chapter 44

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I hear the front door open and looks over. "So what did Masky want?" I ask tilting my head. "If we had seen you lately. I don't know why he would care though, after what happened." Jess huffs crossing her arms. I shrug, "I don't know either. I never really got the chance to figure him or the other proxies out much." I rub my face. Jay walks over and sits next to me. "So, how are you feeling? After all this news you probably feel lost huh?" he says. I nod my head. "Yeah, I don't know what to do now that I am not an Heiress and pregnant. I just feel like everything is collapsing in around me. " I wrap my arms around myself. Four months pass and Alex, Jay and Jess locked Mother and Tyler in their basement. It honestly made me smile, I would go down there and taunt them, but I would wear a mask. Since Mother and Tyler would be dropped off at Slender's mansion for Pastas to toy with. With my stomach growing bigger I have started to waddle and it makes Connie and the others chuckle. I was embarrassed to say the least. I also gave up on trying to wear jeans so I run around in shorts and a hoodie. I sit on the couch and gently pats my belly watching TV. "Be careful doing that JD. You don't want to hurt the baby." Connie says looking at me from her book. "I am being careful, at least I am better than some people I have seen, poking and prodding at the baby even scaring it." I roll my eyes and rubs my stomach, then I feel it kick. "Ah, I angered the baby." I laugh. Connie looks at me confused. "It kicked me." I smile looking at her. She smiles and gets up off the couch. "Alright, How do you feel about going to see Lyra since it's almost Christmas?" She asks. "Kay, let me go put on some sweat pants." I slowly get off the couch and waddles to my room. As I go up the stairs I hear Connie giggle. "Don't giggle at me. I am trying my best." I fake pout. Once I pulled on sweat pants and some comfy shoes I climbed into the car. The car ride was quiet but a comfortable quiet. Soon we reached the cemetery and walked to Lyra's grave. I spotted Lyra leaning against the tombstone smiling at Connie softly. I catch Lyra mouth something out of the corner of my eye and glances up at her. 'She's ready for me to come back now.' Lyra repeats and I give a short nod. Once Connie goes back to the car I use my powers to bring Lyra back and shadow step her to my room at the house before I join Connie in the car. 

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