Chapter 26

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I press my back up against the wall once I reached to Control room door listening to the people that are inside. I summon my shadow daggers and kicks the door in launching at the nearest person. I stab them through the chest and moves onto the next. He puts up more of a fight and nails me in the face with a fist but I slit his throat with one swing. Blood sprays on my face and I push the corpse to the floor before walking over to the control panel. I place my hand on it searching for release buttons or something to free the others when I hear voices calling out to me. I look around with my eyes wide. No one is in the room with me and I turn to look at the TV screens showing all the rooms. I can see faint shadow people in some of the rooms while the figures of my family are darker and more pronounced. "Maybe I can bring the dead back." I whisper and I feel a surge in my powers. I press both hands firmly on the control panel and the lights through out the place start to flicker and crackle. "Hear me spirits of the damned, vengeful and angry, lost and Broken, hurt and Betrayed. Heed my call and step forward back into this realm that doesn't care. Reclaim your physical form and bring hell with you. I am giving you another chance to make the world burn. Join me in the realm of the living and let us bring the end hand in hand." I chant and the power goes out. Red lights and sirens start going off and I watch as the faint shadows become real and my family knocking the doors off their hinges. I fall to my knees tired but I force myself to my feet and races out of the control room and towards the entrance. I turn a corner to see everyone gathered at a heavy security door when I hear Levi's voice in my head. 'JD, Heiress, Moon. The Hunters are here. They are attacking the mansion.' I tense up and bear my teeth lowly. I race forward as the hallway is filled with a flashing red light. I leap over the group and with out a word once I hit the shadows they created on the door I shadow step to the mansion. Anger burning my veins as I appear in front of the mansion door facing the Hunters. "STAY BACK!!" I snarl my daggers growing in length. I use the shadows the trees cast on the mansion to shield all the windows and front door. "If you want in you'll have to get through me first." I spit clenching my hands around the handles tightly turning my knuckles white. "Keep her distracted while trying to find a way inside. Do not back down." One hunter barks and I step towards them. Before any of us can say another word I launch forward using more shadows as a boost. They start unloading their bullets rapidly but only a few are grazing me.  I feel a sicking smile spread across my face as blood splatters across me, the grass and the people around me. Bodies fall but more keep coming, I grind my teeth and engage one hunter in hand to hand combat. I was only playing with them until I hear a shrill child like scream. I kick him away and turns to the mansion to see the front door kicked in. "SALLY!! LEVI!!!" I yell and I get kicked in the back knocking me to my knees. I snarl and goes to get up but I am stepped on my hair being grabbed. The person yanks my head up so I can watch as Sally and Levi are dragged out of the house and held captive. Sally has tears streaming down her face while Levi is black and blue with blood running from his nose. My heart slams against my ribs and everything is drowned out by the roaring of blood flying through my veins, eyes wide taking in every inch of Levi and Sally's bruised and bloody skin. Me and Levi make eye contact and I can see that he is in great pain. He shifts trying to relieve some of the strain on his arms but the person holding him punches him in the head and that is the last straw. Something deep with in me snaps and I twist my body sinking my teeth into the male's arm. His blood fills my mouth and I rip a giant chunk out of his arm. He screams bloody murder as the crimson liquid that flows through every living being spews out like a fountain. I dart towards another hunter tearing at her eyes with my nails, Shadows swirl around me like an angry black ocean, I turn to rest of the hunters that have their guns trained on me and I reach to the shadows with in their guns causing them to explode with a bang. They try to retreat and I shadow step in front of them. A few slip past but I fling my hands towards the others that had turned around to try to flee that way and I can feel the shadows inside their bodies and I pull the internal shadows towards me causing their owners to explode like balloons coating me in crimson. I glance around with wide eyes and slowly realize that I can no longer see the mansion.  I race forward adrenaline pumping through me, blood drying to my skin and clothes. I reach the tree line surrounding the mansion, Slender and the others that were captured and I brought back checking on Sally and Levi who I guess had passed out after I took off after the hunters fleeing. 

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