Chapter 34

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"You think of everything don't you?" He asks. "I try to at least.  Not everything goes to plan though." I chuckle rubbing the back of my neck slightly embarrassed. He nods his head and hums. "Can't be ready for everything." Jeff says and I look towards the window after hearing a voice.  "I swear to you, there was a cabin here. I found it on my way back from a mission a while ago. I think we can use it till we can get into contact with the others." It says and I creep towards the window. "What the hell are you doing?" Jeff asks. "Someone is outside. I can hear them. Give me a sec." I peer over the window sill and sighs with relief as I spot Masky, Hoodie and Toby standing a few feet away from the front of the house. "It's the Proxies. Stay here, I'll bring them in." I stand up and walks out the front door and walks towards the Proxies. I step out of the shadow bubble. "Whoa, JD. Where the hell did you come from?" Masky asks. "Not important. Some one might be following you three. Grab on to me and don't let go until I tell you to. You also might want to close your eyes. " I say quickly and grab Toby's hand. Masky and Hoodie grab my arms with death grips and Toby holds my hand with the same kind of grip. They close their eyes and I speed walk through the bubble. I walk all the way onto the porch. "Okay, you can let go and open your eyes now." I say letting go of Toby's hand. They release their grips on me and look at the cabin in amazement. "See, I told you there was a cabin here." Toby says all smug like. "How are you hiding this?" Masky asks. "I have a shadow bubble around it. Only I can see in and out of it. Also, only the ones that touching me can enter. I think it's the same way going out unless I disperse the bubble." I shrug. "How many of the others are here?" Hoodie asks. "Right now it's just me and Jeff besides you three now. Slender hasn't told me much about how he and the others are. Though I should let him know you three are here with me." I enter the cabin the Proxies on my heels. "For once I am actually glad to see your face Jeff." Masky says causing Jeff to roll his eyes. I smile softly as I get lost in thought. 'Even though they all look nothing alike, It's almost like Masky is the mom while Hoodie is the dad.' Suddenly a sharp pain tears through my skull and I stumble backwards holding my head. "JD!" Jeff is the first to notice my pain. The others turn towards me as Jeff leaps towards me. "What's wrong?" He asks worry in his voice. "Something is happening, I can't feel Slender's presence in this world anymore. I need to locate the others." I struggle to stay on my feet as the pain increases. "JD, you'll get yourself killed going out this this." Masky says. "I have too, since I am the Heiress it is my job to make sure you guys are safe while Slender is gone. I need to go, and you won't stop me." I turn to him. "And to make sure you won't follow me even with the bubble up," I shadow lock the four males to the cabin's inside and front porch. "You have been shadow locked. Stay put." I start walking out the door. "JD, I swear to Zalgo! You leave with out us I will kill you when you get back!!" Jeff snaps. "I'll be safe Big brother." I smile softly and darts out of the house the pain practically suffocating me.

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