The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1

Start from the beginning

Hikari didn't like the way he was acting though, the girl following his steps before reaching forward and placing a light hand on his cheek. "Hey, slow down. What's going on? Come on, talk to me.."

The surface was overly warm, causing the girl to grimace slightly before Touya seemed to realize the reason, panic lining his face as he pulled her hand away in order for her not to be burned by his quirk again.

Looking down at her small delicate hands, the boy then sighed to himself, grasping onto the surface with a shaky squeeze as he let his devastation crack through. "My old man, he...he really has given up on me."

The words seemingly slapped her in the face, Hikari already shaking her head at the meaning. What was he saying? That couldn't be true, her friend had worked so hard to get where he was.

Trying to offer him some reassurance, the girl then pressed her lips together with a frown. "What? Touya, that can't be true. You're the best person I know."

Yet Touya didn't take any of the warmth, his eyes still playing with cynical memory."Oh yeah? Tell that to the man that just told me he's shipping me off for a quirk marriage next month."

At those very words, Hikari felt her heart completely stop inside her chest.

A quirk marriage? Touya's dad was going to make him marry because of his quirk? Was she really not going to see him again? Would this be the last time she would get that feeling of comfort?

As selfish as it may be, the words seemingly made the girl sick to her stomach, picturing the boy she loved attached to another woman. No, she didn't want that. She didn't want to lose the only person in her life that cared, that showed her respect.

Forcing a response to come to her lips, Hikari's shaky breath just barely managed to respond. "A quirk marriage? Wait, why would he.."

Touya seemed to be at his breaking point, the very phrase causing his palms to smoke and spark with even more devastation before the boy ripped his hands away in order to create some distance from the girl to be safe.

Hikari then watched as he began to pace back and forth, his eyes wild and his voice sarcastically cruel. "Because I'm not good enough, because he said that the only way I can be useful to our family is by getting out of his life and making kids that have better quirks than me."

Feeling a twinge of anger in her throat, Hikari couldn't help but shake her head, not understanding what he was saying. Did his father really say something like that to him? How dare he, how dare he shut his own son down for just waiting to exist!

Her feathers began to twitch and sharpen at the very idea, the girl scoffing before flapping her wings twice with pure shock and fury. "What?! That's disgusting. How can he even say that? Doesn't he realize how hard you work for this? How much you really want it?"

Her raised tone only seemed to make Touya even more unhinged though, a cruel and cold chuckle escaping his lips at the amusement of it all. "All these years and he hasn't even looked my way once, and now he really just wants to get rid of me."

Hikari didn't see anything funny though, noticing the sadness around her friend's eyes. She could tell this was destroying him, that he was using humor as a way to not crumble down completely. It was sad to see, Touya looking so lost and distraught like this.

All he wanted, all he ever wanted was to be included in his own family and yet his father only saw his usefulness, he only saw the tool and not his son. It made Hikari so angry to see her friend break himself down for absolutely nothing, for him to be spit out and thrown away like trash even after hurting himself to do this.

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