Gisele contemplates the offer, she'd rather go with April and endure the awkwardness, then risk Arizona catch her waiting around for a cab, "Please."

They get to the lobby and walk(waddle) halfway to the door when the blonde, usually perky doctor, stepped in front of them with a scowl on her frown.

   "You aren't supposed to be out of bed."

Gisele scoffed, glaring over at the redhead, "You snitched on me?"

April frantically shook her head, "No, I didn't. I swear."

    "She didn't have to. Cross did."

  "With all due respect, I'm not listening to your medical advise today. I'm not going to miss out on my big sister's wedding... and for the next week, I'm fine. I feel great, you're just being overly cautious now and I'm thankful for that, for you but I need to be there for Amelia. I doubt anyone else is going to be there for her."

Arizona and April looked at each other.

    "Also, you can't physically keep me here. It's illegal."

Arizona sighed, "Fine but take it easy."

Gisele hugged Arizona, "Thanks." Both April and Gigi walked towards the front doors.

  "And keep stress levels down!" The blonde yelled after her.

They quickly made it to April's car, slightly drenched, and started the drive to the house.

   "I'm sorry I snapped at you." Gisele said, mostly to break the deafening silence.

April waved her off, "I get where you're coming from. I'd be annoyed too."

The pained winced from Gisele worried April.

Seeing the concern on the redhead's face, Gisele quickly explained before she turned the car around and forced her back into the hospital.

  "One of them just kicked my ribs." Gisele explained, rubbing her right side, "I swear they do it on purpose."

April laughed, "Tell me about it, it's like they're playing soccer in there."

   "Yeah," Gigi leaned back into the seat, watching the windshield wipers go back and forth at a violently fast speed.

   "Do you have any names picked out?"

She shook her head, "I haven't really thought about it."

"I like Gabriel and Shiloh."

Gisele did her best to not pull a face, those were... names, not ones she would chose but names nonetheless, "He likes those names?"

They didn't sound like names Jackson would agree to those names, but then again they weren't having conversations about future baby names. Much more focused on other things.

    "They're good names," April said, "I'm guessing g you two haven't discussed names."

She sighed, "Nope. Haven't really talked to him."

   "Since Emilia found you two exposed on the couch together a few weeks ago?" April teased.

Gisele rolled her eyes, she really was going to strangle Emmy, her rumor was getting out of control and having her baby daddy's other baby mama tease her was way too cringy and where she drew the line of cringyness.

   "We were not exposed, we were just cuddling on the couch when I was suffering through a deliriously high fever."

  "I think you two should talk—"

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