Meredith had stomped up the stairs, angry her sister in law yelled with no regard of her sleeping children downstairs, who needed to be up in a few hours for school, "What's with all the screaming, my children are downstairs sleep-"

"We need to get to the hospital." Emmy said.

There was blood dripping down Gisele's legs and rather large puddle on the bed.

Meredith merely nodded, "Okay, I'll start the car."

"I'm fine." Gisele protested.

"No, she's not. We're going to the hospital."

"No, I don't need to because I'm fine."

"You are going to go to the hospital," Meredith said, "I'll drag you there myself."

Gisele groaned, "Fine. Can I at least get changed? Only if you all would allow it, of course."




"I'll call Arizona." Amelia said, headed for the door before disappearing down the stairs.

Around 15 minutes later, Arizona had met them in the ER and had rushed into a room, hooked up to the fetal monitors, and her blood had been drawn.

A while later, Arizona walked back into the room.

"With the examination of the ultrasound and labs, I assure you that you're not miscarrying. Both babies have strong fetal heartbeats and are doing fine. I prescribed something to stop the bleeding. It was heavier than normal but it is normal to bleed sometime."

"That wasn't normal, that was a lot of blood." Amelia said.

Arizona nodded, "She's carrying twins, with multiples bleeding can heavier."

"I told you, I was fine. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm less of a doctor," Gisele said.

Emmy helped her out of bed, going over to the closet to grab a new set of sheets. She changed the sheets before throwing them in the dirty hamper then climbed back into bed. Falling into a light sleep.

    Once finished getting changed, she grabbed a new blanket and slowly got into bed, they both laid there on silence fir a brief moment before Gisele reached over nudging her a bit.

"Emmy." She whispered.

"Yeah." Emmy mumbled after a few seconds.

"You know what sounds sooo good right now."

Emmy sighed and turned over on her side to face her friend, "What?"

"That Japanese Mexican fusion food we had in México, especially the Salmon Sellado Con Verduras Y Salsa Wasabi, Sopa Miso Rojo and mochi con fresas."

Emmy silently stared at her for a moment, "I'm not flying to Mexico for food, besides it would be all gross when I got back."

"I know but you could find a place here and get me some." Gisele said.

Emmy groaned as she got up, "Fine," she headed over to the door and said, "I'll be back."

She climbed down the flight of stairs, tiptoeing over to Amelia's door before she knocked. Moments later, Amelia swung the door opened, her hair a mess, "What?" She sleepily said, her eyes still half closed.

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