"Come on. " I broke from him, "I prepared a feast in celebration for your return. "

"Or we could skip it and I can eat you out?" Leo brags, vulgarity laced his tone.

"Leo" I blushed looking around as an entourage formed, he had no shame and quite frankly I did not care for his affection right now.
"Let's eat first. Then maybe you can have dessert"

"Huzzah" he whispers biting my ear.

After dinner

I picked a spot on the ceiling to focus on as Leo rocked inside me. He didn't care that I was showing or that I had just thrown up twice. All he cared about was wetting his disgusting rod.

He finished and sighed, collapsing inside me. I take his blanket and turn away, giving him the cold shoulder.

"What did I do now?" He kisses my shoulder.

"Nothing Leo. I am just tired. Goodnight." I stand from the bed, forcing a distance between us but he pulls me into his arms, forcing me to stare at him.

"Why do you l always shut me out?" He looked hurt.

"You make it easy to shut you out Leo."
He sighs, pushing a palm to his forehead.

"Okay, so you are mad at me?"

"No Leo, I am not."
He pushes my hair away before  pulling me into his lips.

"Awww... I kinda like when you're mad at me. You're cute when you're mad."

I try not to give him the satisfaction of a smile. He was relentless.
"If your pregnant wife tells her husband she doesn't feel well, the first instinct shouldn't be to make love." I clue him in.

"But Calla. You're so beautiful" he scans my naked body. "Your bosoms are so full" he grabs my healthy chest, "I am jealous of the mouth that gets to feed on them. And your face? It's glowing. You expect me to resist."

"I threw up twice. Once on your chest"

"But you're fine now." He scoffs, as if I was overreacting.

I rolled my eyes separating from his reach once more. "Leo. I'm tired. Goodnight"

"Nah ah ah, not so fast." He pulls me in again and starts kissing my neck. I let him of course, trying my hardest not to show my disgust.

"I have been thinking of names. Baby names fitting for the future heir to throne. Something stoic like Peter or James. Leo"

"Or Elizabeth" I correct him.

He chuckles and throws his arm behind his head.
I turn around to face him as the silence overwhelmed the room. "It could be a girl"

"You better pray to God it's not." He snapped.

"But what if God answers another prayer? One that bares me a girl?"

"Easy. She dies" he said it so calmly, it made me shiver.

Once I got over the initial shock of his words, I snap up to face him. "What?"

"Calla. I brought you here to bear me a child. A male child."

"So that's it. A male or death?"

He pulls me into his arms, caressing my lips with care. "Awww calla don't be like that. You've softened my heart. Before I was going to kill you and the child, but now? It will only be the child. See? I am changing."

I try to not scream.
He was absolutely insane!
He was crazy. But it was customary for him.

"You are changing Leo. Silly me for ignoring this change." I smile, biting down on my back jaw. "I pray it's a boy for your sake and mine. "

"For my sake?" He laughs.

"I will not let you touch her. If you kill her? You will have to kill me first."

"F-ck calla! Must you be so noble!" He cursed, snatching himself from the covers and stands to go to the bathroom. "Fu*ck ...I'm annoyed now."

"Good! Goodnight" I huff pulling on a robe. I walk to the thick iron doors and slam his doors shut, storming through the hallways to find Joffre. I couldn't pretend anymore. I refused. Tomorrow was the day I would give him the signal. It was time to kill an emperor.


"Joffre!!" I storm through the palace and into his room. "Joffre!!" Anger consumes my vision so I did not recall the path I took to his room. Leo's abrasive words were all that swelled my mind.

I push open his doors but cringe as I see him caressing a woman underneath his covers.
I didn't care if I intruded. My anger was too lethal.

"Empress!" He tries to cover himself as he sees my presence. The woman screams, trying to gather her clothes to dignify herself.

"This won't take long." I put up a hand so the woman would calm.

"Tomorrow? Hail the signals. Be on ready."

"Calla. That's soon.
We still have plans and orders and routes to map. If we—"

"Tomorrow" I snapped, cutting him off. I turn on my heel and leave him be.

Tomorrow! Leo would be dead.

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