Chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

The boys got out of the vehicles and I removeal the dragon and we went in that direction. When we were almost there, we saw the cattle racing straight at us. We ran away and took refuge from the herd on a tree branch. After the panic was over, we descended and headed towards the monsters.

= Skip time =

We stalked the monsters, trying to take them by surprise. We hide behind a rock.

- They went there. -Aaron whispered.

- How do you recognize. -Axl said.

- After spooked cactuses. -he said, and we looked at the cactuses, whose stalks assumed a pose as if they were afraid.

- Look, even plants can be scared, hm. -Saber commented.

- And weird, who attacks the cactus? - I asked.

 -Jestro, always. -Aaron said.

- This is pure evil! We have to stop them!- Axl said to us and he wanted to attack, but I jumped in front of him.

- Relax, Axl, we can't attack them because we're too far from Fortrex to receive nexo power. -I said, starting to sneak up again and the guys followed in my footsteps.

"Exactly, that's why we can't let us... -Aaron began, but Jestro and the monsters appeared out of nowhere.

- Did they notice? Too late, please destroy them! -he called to the monsters and they attacked us.

- It's an ambush! Let's run! -Aaron shouted, jumping onto the his shield.

We withdrew, but Jestro compared us to cowards, which pissed Axl off and he thoughtlessly attacked, and he was hit by the jester with the power of terror that made him...coward. Me, Aaron and Saber gasped and rushed to save him.

Jestro started firing power at us, but we avoided it with ease while Axl ran around screaming. The jester didn't know how to shoot, and he used power on his monsters to scare them, and the clouds ran away from him. Jestro got pissed off and followed Aaron as he shot through the cacti that fell on in the way of the jester. Saber grimaced at that and I chuckled. We walked over to Axl, who was sitting by the rock and crying.

- Relax, Axl, there is nothing to be afraid of... maybe except this. - said Saber and looked towards the jester, who screamed in pain and had cactus spines all over his back.

Aaron and I looked at each other and laughed.

- Relax, Axl, we'll help you.- I said looking at Aaron and nodded my head.

The boy understood what I mean, he shot the giant with an electric rope of a crossbow, tying it up and flying away from the place of the fight. I followed his example on a dragon.

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