~time skip~

It's been a month since I've arrived and I haven't done any hero work yet. The reason being I've been working on my team work with everyone. "Does it hurt?" I asked Robin who was talking with Nightwing.

"I'm fine." He said and walked away.

I sighed. "Sorry about him." I looked up at Nightwing.

"It's okay, really. I can tell he's not the best with strangers.." I said and he just smiled at me, and then went to talk to Kori.

I turned to look at Robin again to see he was talking with Raven. "They look cute." I thought slightly smiling.

I sighed, not knowing how to get along with him. Out of everyone, my team work with Robin is the worst since there is a lack of communication, however when he gives orders and that stuff where we can coordinate, everything works out fairly well. Our only interactions are during these mock practices and meal times, since he seems to be in a bad mood when I'm around.

Everyone had wandered off to do their own thing, so I went back to the tower, and up to the roof. I sat on the ledge, staring out at the stretch of water in front of me. "If I could learn his interests maybe we could get on better terms? At least speaking terms?" I thought. All I knew was that he liked animals, vegetarian and a good fighter.

"Dinner is ready." I turned seeing it was Raven, to my surprise.

"Thanks." I smiled, standing up.

"Robin doesn't mean to be rude." she told me.

"Hm?" I looked at her in confusion, not knowing why she was telling me this.

"He takes a while to warm up to people." she told me.

".. you don't have to make excuses for him. It's fine if he doesn't like me." I smiled at her.

"He doesn't dislike you. Trust me." she smiled and went downstairs.

"From his point of view.. maybe he doesn't trust me? My circumstances for being here weren't exactly explained and I usually talk with star in Tamaranean so maybe he finds that rude? or weird?" My thoughts wandered as I went downstairs. "Maybe he doesn't like I'm alien? I mean those movies I've seen seem to depict us as an evil entity trying to take over the world.. but there are other species here so it can't be that." I thought as I sat down at an empty seat, not realizing it was next to Robin. "Maybe I smell..?" I finally thought.

"-out in the field. (Y/n)?" I looked up and everyone was staring at me.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"They asked if you think you're ready to go out in the field." Robin said before quickly leaving the table, saying he was full.

"(Y/n)?" I looked at Kori again.

"I.. I think? I mean, I can take care of myself well and I can easily provide others with cover or escape if needed." I said.

I sighed, as we all got a briefing. It was a string of clues, all leading to different locations in the city. All of which are definitely traps. "Splitting up is our best bet." Robin suggested.

"I agree, but who goes with who?" Kori asked. There were 6 of us, total, but there were 3 possible locations.

"Alright, Beetle and I can take the upper part of the city. It's the farthest and both of you can fly." Robin pointed out. "The next location is by the pier, so Beast Boy can team up with Raven. Robin and (Y/n) can take down town, we can blend in the best with the population." Kori laid out her plan. No one seemed to object, "Okay, we don't have time and have until midnight. Be careful all of you. If anyone finds the bomb, call in." she said and everyone quickly split up into their respective pairs.

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