XLI. Aspirations, tastes, dislikes, comfort

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Jimin lets out a long moan, his back constantly rubbing against Namjoon's weight on top of him. He squeezes the futon and his hair wets both the floor and the fabric. Namjoon kisses and bites him on the shoulders without ceasing to move his hips against the kisaeng. His right hand squeezes and masturbates Jimin's penis that reaches orgasm. He relaxes his body and trembles in place.

Namjoon lays his forehead on the back of Jimin's neck, thrusts his penis hard and as far as he can; his groin slams into Jimin's buttocks, a light, muffled clap between the two. The lefty massages the slightly bulging breast, pulling on the raised, hard nipple. Namjoon grunts through his teeth, moans and drops down on Jimin. The latter whimpers and tries to catch his breath. The sensation of Namjoon's semen filling him completely inside causes him to blush.

Jimin rolls over on his back as Namjoon pulls away. He brings a hand to his chest, feels his own heart in turmoil. He opens his eyes wide and lifts his spread legs. Shocked, scandalous moans escape her mouth reddened with smeared ink. Jimin pulls Namjoon's hair that, he is now between his legs, undoes his topknot and closes his thighs in anguish. The counselor sucks the manhood at the same time as he pulls the cum out of Jimin's asshole.

Even to this day, it creates discomfort and displeasure for him that the area is so smooth and the scar is almost non-existent; the empty area where something is clearly missing. Jimin squeals and clenches his eyes, clenches his teeth, presses Namjoon against him, causes the orgasm to remain in the older man's mouth. Namjoon swallows it and relishes. Jimin's chest rises and falls, Namjoon caresses his sides, kisses the flat, smooth and worked abdomen as he climbs up to his chest, introduced between the kisaeng's legs.

Jimin messes up his hair a little, Namjoon has a bad habit of sucking on his chest and begins to believe that because of him, he is a little bigger. Namjoon knows it's not so, but making him think so is better than him thinking that his body is bad.

When in fact, because of the lack of male hormones, the female hormones do everything and the bigger Jimin gets, the more effeminate he becomes. While he can't say he has breasts, they are almost nothing short of looking like it.

"Do you want one more time?" asks Namjoon with a bead of sweat trickling down his nose. Jimin nods, embraces him by the shoulders and with her legs; the moan from the penetration is drowned out in Namjoon's mouth. Namjoon's hand on the kisaeng's stunted manhood and the other stroking his head full of watery blue hair.

Jimin arches, sobs pleasurably and almost all the time keeps his eyes closed to enjoy it more. Namjoon does nothing but watch him, pleased to get that this became something of entire enjoyment for him. At first Namjoon could tell it made Jimin uncomfortable, he wouldn't even ask him to do it more than twice. It would just end there and that was it. Now they can spend a week doing it at night and it's Jimin looking for him.

Namjoon likes to make Jimin happy...

Namjoon likes to make Jimin comfortable.

Namjoon likes to please Jimin.

"Namjooooon." Jimin purrs with a naughty let smile and Namjoon giggles in equal measure.

And Namjoon likes that Jimin forgets everything and just calls him by his name.

~ * * * ~

"Excuse me?"

"You're not going to tell me that kisaeng aren't sluts when you, being Haengsu, sleep with Namjoon. As far as I understand, that's a whore" snorts Yoongi, black hair with a good portion of blonde roots. "As much as you try to make it sound pretty, that's not the reality. You're a whore, he'll be one and so on until you die."

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