XIV. Time passes and people leave

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Time goes by, the war gets worse, the emperor gets worse, his situation gets worse. He dared to demand that Agust be tattooed with a mugunghwa on his back. Unofficially he decided to make it a kisaeng, a Samsu. Agust doesn't know why it happens unlike Jin and Jimin. The reason is so absurd and so miserable that it just makes you want to cry.

Jin has had too many aborts. All caused by stress and fear of the future of whatever comes out of his womb, thinking that she or he will have the same future as the prince; the same prince that he helps to hide from Hojoon's touch. They live miserably. The council is aware of everything that happens and doesn't care.

The war matters. Family problems are irrelevant. Especially now that they can say they are above Japan.

War is the only thing they think about.

The only thing that is talked about.

The only thing that is done.

Jimin continues in the same routine, has stopped crying so much, has stopped making noise. Even face down,(Censored) there is no loud sound. Just muffled, minimal moans, with the highlight of Hojoon's cheesiness and nonsense. Saying how good he gets it, how willing he is to receive his cum and how well he's taken care of it so it's his alone. It's pathetic and Jimin doesn't care.

He can be considered to have turned cold. Agust thinks so by the way those blue eyes have lost luster. There's something snapped.

"Wouldn't you want to get out of here?"

"To be everybody's whore in a town? No, thanks. Even if it's crap, I'm not that stupid." replies Jimin acidly.

"Yeah. I guess so" Agust agrees. "To be born a prince and end up the emperor's whore. I never expected this to happen. I thought I'd die quickly at least."

Jimin puffs out his cheeks.

"At least you'll be emperor and no one can do anything to you. I'll have to go to the streets."

"You don't have to."

"You'll keep me here?"


Jimin exhales. He wonders if Agust is serious.

. . .

"You've been a well-behaved boy today, so I'll give you a treat."

Agust gasps face up on the futon, his blond hair damp and scattered; (Censored). Jimin gives a groan, sitting all the way down on top of Agust. The prince looks at him in confusion. (Censored). Blue hair cold from how wet it is.

"How does it feel to be a little man for once, ummmm? I'm allowing you something very important."

Jimin moans softly, (Censored)

At least Jimin can say Agust had a nice gesture.

~ * * * ~

Namjoon has become cold over time. He stopped sending notes and doesn't talk to them unless they happen to coincide in space by chance or have to ask her for something. He is distant, very distant. Even some of his awkward, giggly personality is gone. He lives deep in records and books, talking to professors and elders to continue to soak in what he needs, that Hojoon listens to him on at least two or three things so he doesn't lose so many troops. Jimin doesn't care. Jimin would like him to be the Namjoon remembers the most and to whom he continues to write notes. Addressed to "joonie" and that no one is able to discern whether they are for the emperor or the counselor.

It is of no use. Namjoon doesn't receive them. It's as if it stopped mattering to him. Funny that it was after all the serious problems. Psychosis and paranoia lead him to think it's his fault. That now Namjoon is disgusted by him for being almost honorably the emperor's whore. If that's the reason, I wouldn't blame him.

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