III. Beauty that deserves to be polished

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"How long have you been here?"

Jimin lifts his head, his hair awkwardly slicking back. It's too complicated to keep it in one place. Soo knows it bothers him and does it anyway. He has a playful dragoness. The one talking to him is one of those people who took the tall boy away the other time. Ever since he came to Hanyang he's been drawn to high class people like this. The brightly colored hanbok, the gat; the women - and some men - with their huge hairstyles full of bright decorations and colorful clothes. They are something he had never seen at home and was told he couldn't go near.

And now someone is approaching him, so he's not doing anything wrong.

"Three months, I think, sir." he replies politely. Jimin stands up and shakes the dirt off his clothes. Despite the grime, by Soo, there's no way he has dirt stuck to his skin. He wipes it off without even understanding how.

"I see."

Jimin closes one eye, the man pushes his blue hair away from his face and strokes it lightly.

"You're little. Don't you have parents?"

"Yes I do, but a bad man from Japan took them away, because they want mom to be their medical teacher."

"Gee, that's too bad. They left you here" Jimin nods with a pout. Connecting dots, he assumes that his parents couldn't escape and are now in Japan, but they try to come. Not too far from the truth. However, what little Jimin understands is that it's not that easy and they won't be able to return to Korea. "Are you hungry?" He nods hurriedly and the man smiles at him.

~ * * * ~

Why is he at this person's house? It's a mystery Jimin can't figure out, but they give him food and that's enough. Thanking him once finishes eating the whole feast they made just for him. Jimin can't help but notice that this lord has a lot of those very ornate and pretty women. The huge hairstyle on the side and his ornaments chiming.

"Do you like it? They are kisaengs" He introduces. He introduced himself as "Ho-Sung" and Jimin hears the servant call him "my lord" or "Hosung-nim". The second one he likes better. "They are servants who give entertainment and so they must look beautiful." He gives a kiss to one of them who blushes and smiles faintly.

"But Hosung-nim what entertainment? I don't understand."

"I guess they can show you."

Hosung invites Jimin to sit on his lap as the eight kisaengs get ready. Four take instruments and the other four take fans. Jimin drops his jaw slightly, lost in how they dance. They are graceful movements. They remind him of water in the way they move. Soo emerges, perched on a table to see from a better height. One of the kisaengs giggles, touched by the boy and the dragoness. Hosung looks alternately at Jimin and Soo.

Water dragon and deluded child, what a timely combo met in the middle of the street.

~ * * * ~

Namjoon exits the studio and closes the studio door. Throws his black braid back and starts walking down the halls while stretching the arms. The good part about being in the imperial palace is that they have it only for studying, eating and sleeping. Everything else is irrelevant. As is his attention on it. He's been a couple of times to see his mom who is happy to be treated well, his dad proud of the position he holds and Jimin is no longer at the post where he used to always see him.

Namjoon hopes he hasn't died or worse. Snorts slightly frustrated, he was left wanting to go over and talk to him. Ask to touch his blue hair that looks like solid water. Ji emerges and floats to his side.

It doesn't matter what happened with that kid, you should get it out of your head.

"You can't pretend I haven't interest in other things."

That's ideal. That way you focus better on what you should be studying. I don't even like you wasting so much time reading poetry when you have so much history to learn.

"I do it in my spare time."

Too much time wasted.

"What a curmudgeon you are." grumbles Namjoon in annoyance and the dragon grumbles.

I came to you because you're so smart and unfortunately I can't leave until you die, so instead of complaining, the best thing you can do- Namjoon, pay attention.

Namjoon looks incapable of such a thing, not seeing Jimin running around one of the gardens with one of the emperor's dogs. The animal jumps on him and licks him all over his face, causing him to let down the floppy hairdo he was wearing and laugh. Namjoon furrows his eyebrows. How is he here? Decides to go after him, even if doesn't have his shoes and soils his socks.

"Jimin!" Namjoon stops halfway, Hosung goes to meet the boy. "It's time to go home, let's go." Jimin stands up and rushes over to take his hand. Namjoon opens and closes his mouth.

Umm... That's really strange.

Ji matching him makes Namjoon fear the worst. Jimin turns his head and waves his hand, waving at Namjoon before hurrying to keep up with Hosung.

"Is that someone for me to play with, Mom?"

Not far from there it is possible to see the emperor's only son. A boy with blond hair and a scar that furrows his face from forehead to mid-cheek. The empress shakes her head and urges him to continue to his room. Namjoon enters the palace again and takes a seat at the edge. Why would the emperor's brother bring a child from the street? It doesn't make much sense. Least of all that he would bring him to the imperial palace if he were a new servant.

"What are you thinking about?" Namjoon asks Ji who is thoughtful and upset. Namjoon can sense it. They are connected like two existences tied together. Ji shakes his head.

I wish you hadn't discovered that side of nobility yet. You're not ready for something like that yet.

Jin lies down on the ground. He is very clear about one thing, the only reason they pick up street children is to use them. They charge less, they settle for little, it's natural; however, when it comes to nobility it's a very radical matter at two extremes. On the one hand, you may want to adopt it to be an heir and on the other hand, for a very selfish and destructive use with that child.

And Ji fear that it's the second option. Why? As simple as it is a very cute child. Easily confused with a girl and with a water dragon. A rare species that stands out for being very beautiful. Like those who have a flowering dragon. He doesn't want Namjoon to get involved in this.

Ji shakes his head gently. Water dragon... water dragoness, is a she. Ji gives a snort, how hateful to want to think about useless things.

~ * * * ~

"Stand down."

The maid stands up, bows and leaves the bathing area. Jimin sticks his head out of the water. His hair merges with it, as if it were one and the same element. Her hands become a little transparent and Soo wheezes on the edge of the tub. Hosung takes a seat on the bench and continues to rub Jimin's hair clean.

"Did you like the emperor?"

"Yes, he is someone very happy." Jimin replies hugging his legs and letting himself be washed.

"You're going to see him a lot."

"Yeah? Wooow, I thought people couldn't see the emperor."

"Not everyone, but you're an exception to that rule" Hosung announces and Jimin smiles amused. "My kisaengs have told me that you like to sing. I'd like you to show me. I didn't know you kept that kind of secret from me."

"It's not a secret! It's just that I'm embarrassed to sing in front of you." Jimin excuses with a pout.

"Ummm~ but you know, if you sing pretty, I can take you to kisaengs school."

"REALLY!? I want to dance like them. They do it so pretty!"

"I know. Maybe you do too, but you have to prove to me that you're worth. it Do you understand?" Jimin nods excitedly, failing to understand the half-truths in other people's words, let alone the evil intentions.

Loyal • Muse | NamMin || BOOK 2#Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum