V. Starting to pay for sympathy

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The classes to become a kisaeng are complicated, extensive and exhausting. Jimin follows them to the letter without complaining once. His mother at some point told him that learning is difficult and instead of wasting time thinking about it, he would do it by studying. He is quite good at learning medicine. He recognizes medicinal plants, also the symptoms; blood makes him faint, but with time he has been improving. Sewing is a subject he doesn't even want to mention because his little fingers have turned almost purple from so many accidental punctures.

They still don't teach Jimin anything about music or dance. Only singing. Although they also teach him about politics, economics, history, etc., they have not taught him to read or write even though he has seen so many other children do so. Jimin wonders what the difference is between them and him. Do they all have good families? That may be one reason.

His time with Hosung continues just as calm and fun. He's like a somewhat bearded and super refined version of his dad.

There are so many things that remind him of his parents.

He still wonders when he'll see them again.

"You sing better every day." Jimin smiles excitedly at the nobleman's praise.

"My teacher says I have a girl's voice even though I'm very small," comments Jimin. "Is my voice like a girl's?"

"A little bit. Just like you have a very pretty face." Jimin gives him a pout with his lips after receiving it.

Hosung has bought him custom-made clothes, many hair ornaments, makeup, rings and so many more things that Jimin doesn't remember all the names. Jimin has also seen earrings, but it's weird, because he doesn't have how to wear them. He assumes they are a gift for the other kisaengs and he made a mistake in giving them. He hasn't told Hosung because that's one of the lessons they teach in the house of kisaengs: don't correct your master, fix the problem privately without embarrassing him or making him look foolish.

Jimin wouldn't say someone is foolish for making a mistake, but should make use of everything they teach you.

"Hosung-nim" calls the nobleman. "I want to read. Why don't you teach me yet?"

"Because it is not yet time. Be patient." he lies cheekily and Jimin pouts.

Jimin wishes knew how to read and write. He plans to send a letter to the boy who will be a counselor. Whenever he goes to the imperial castle he sees him. They have stopped by to shake hands. Jimin wants to greet him properly, introduce himself, know his name, etc. He thinks maybe they can be friends, because he wants to. What other reason would that boy have to see him all the time? They could even be best friends and that idea pleases Jimin. With Hosung and the emperor he can't talk. He never has anything to talk to. Someone around his age is a better idea.

~ * * * ~

"Uh? No, removing it all would make him impotent. The only thing necessary is to remove this part, the rest atrophies and prevents a natural development in the individual" Namjoon explains as he points at the paper spread out on the table. "And it is not possible to do it woman. At least not yet."

"Thank you for your time. I was trying to talk some sense into this old fool, but he refused to listen to me. Excuse me."

Namjoon remains with a disgusted expression. Why keep up a practice like this? It seems almost barbaric to him. He would like to continue his reading, but thinking about it so much makes Ji surge, settle back and exhale wearily. It is one of those moments where he needs to explain the matter to his foolish bearer.

It is a necessary practice to control the male impulse. They are tamed once they lose the hormones that make them aggressive.

"But why would something like that be needed?"

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