XXVII. Dislikes that do not stop

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Jimin takes a seat next to the girl playing the kayagum and the boy playing the flute. Not far away is the janggu, kkwaenggwari and buk player. Nokssek lady slides down until she is close to Jimin, gets the kisaeng to caress her and although no one can see the green dragon, the slight trail of color lets them know she is there. Meek as she has not been "seen" with anyone.

Oh, the loneliest girl in town is bought for pennies of prize
We dress her up in lovely gowns, she's easy on the eyes

Jimin intones in a slightly lower voice than usual. He's having some trouble lately, due to growth he's gotten a little thicker. Hardly noticeable. It's a more mature tone, but not masculine.

Her soul is black and it's a fact that a sneer will eat you alive

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Her soul is black and it's a fact that a sneer will eat you alive...
And the buyer always brings her back because all she does is cry.

Soo twitches and causes the water in everyone's cups to rise to the surprise of those who are there

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Soo twitches and causes the water in everyone's cups to rise to the surprise of those who are there. Jimin purses his lips and the other kisaeng are aghast at what he causes. He hears them and so far, he hadn't noticed, but they treat him like her and it gets on his nerves.

So take what you want, take what you can
Take what you please, don't give a damn
Ask for forgiveness, never permission

Because they're in the palace.

Because they're where all of them reduced it to what it is now.

Because it comes from these people who won't stop taking advantage of it.

Take what you want, take what you can
Take what you please, don't give a damn
It's in the blood and this is tradition

Under the brilliant excuse that this is how traditions are. That's the way they have been for years. Why would they change? They don't have to. That's why their whole life has become such a mess.

Oh, the loneliеst girl in town was bought for plenty a price.
Well, they dress her up in golden crowns, his smile hides a lie
She smiles back, but it's a fact that her fear will eat her alive
Well, she got the life that she wanted, but now all she does is cry

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