Horrible Dreams

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"What do you mean by 'there is going to be a war soon' Iruka sensei?" Sasuke questioned seriously, looking over at me but I didn't look back.

"I mean by Baphomet is coming here, to Konaha with an whole army and we are at his mercy if we don't do anything about it," I replied.

"Wait, how do you know about Baphomet? I thought everyone hid it-" Sasuke asked before stopping again. I knew it, they all tried to hid it from me.

"I don't know what it is but it's like I have a connection with him, maybe it's because I have the power he needs or the Umino's Light is like a tracking device,"

There was silence again between us and I knew Sasuke was trying his best to process all of the information I gave him.

"Have you told Kakashi sensei?" Sasuke said after a while and I slowly nodded, not forgetting about that white-haired liar.

"Iruka sensei, you get some rest and I'll talk about it with Naruto and Sakura, if you're right then this could be the Fifth Great Ninja War,"

Sasuke probably teleported away and then I took my tired self to sleep in my bed, which is when I had a strange dream...

"Iruka! Iruka! Look at this!" A boy said proudly, climbing the monkey balls left to right so fast and not even older ones can do it like that.

"Wait! Let me try!" I replied, gripping onto the iron line despite the boy going against it. We were both five after all and Baph was way more talented than me.

Looking down, I realised soon enough that I made a big mistake since I had a big fear of heights. Without realising, I let go of the monkey bars and I left myself falling, from felt like a tower.

"Iruka! Are you okay!" Baph yelled and I opened my eyes to see that my body was technically levitating with Baph's arms under my back for support.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, let's go home now," I whispered hesitantly, feeling pain on my hand but discarded it away when Baph said he'll buy me ramen.

Heading home, the pain got worse and that's when I looked at it to see I was bleeding. Quickly I cleaned it off but more cane after it, before Baph could see it, I hid my hand under my shirt.

Being immediately welcomed by Mother and Father, I knew one of them would realise that something was wrong with me and this time it was Mother.

"Iruka, son, is there something wrong that you want to tell me?" Mother questioned and I shook my head as the answer though Mother didn't leave it like that.

Swiftly, she grabbed my hand and took out of my hiding spot, making her grasp at the blood. As soon as her face turned red out of anger, I knew she would blame Baph for it.

"Mother! It wasn't him-" I said but Mother was already too deep, interrupting Father and Baph's conversation and started to say how bad of a bodyguard he was and all sorts of horrible soft.

At the end, Baph was never seen again until now....

𝙸𝚛𝚞𝚔𝚊'𝚜 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 [𝙺𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚞]Where stories live. Discover now