The Umikage

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I don't own Naruto or any of the characters in this story.

Kakashi's POV

Sleeping with Iruka was the best, just us and no one disturbing us but I knew I had to wake Iruka up soon to meet the leader of this village. It would be rude to be late.

"Iruka, it's time to wake up," I whispered into Iruka's ear softly but Iruka only shook his head, disagreeing with me.

"But Iruka, aren't we supposed to be going to meet the leader today," I asked louder, which must have affected Iruka because he stopped cuddling up to me and jumped off the bed.

I smirked, seeing Iruka's boxers slipping off his waist while he was rushing to get some sort of cloth on him.

When Iruka saw me staring at his back, he squealed and ran out of the room, I laughed loudly and got myself dressed, thinking like a perverted guy.

While we were walking down on the Kage office, I tried to flirt or hold Iruka's hand but Iruka always walked fast in front, being red in the face.

In the Kage's Office

Iruka knocked the door and someone told us to come in, it was the Kage of the village. He looked very old like the Third Hokage with cheeky smile on his face, which reminded me of Iruka's smile for some reason.

"Hello, I'm Ikimasu, The UmiKage of this village, you must be Iruka Umino and Kakashi Hatake, I assume," He asked happily, he almost sounds like Iruka too, I thought.

"Yes, I am the Hokage, Kakashi Hatake and this is my assistant, Iruka Umino, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said politely.

"Y-you mean your from the Umino clan," The Umikage asked Iruka with uncertainty in his voice.

"Y-yes," Iruka said nervously but then the Umikage stood from his seat and walked quietly to Iruka, tears falling of his eyes, and gave him a tight hug.

Iruka then returned the hug and started drawing circles on his back, when the Umikage started to calm down, he started to talk.

"I-I'm sorry, I just can't believe that standing in front of my own grandson, I thought you died a long time ago," He said shakily, still holding onto Iruka.

Me and Iruka looked at each other and the Umikage until Iruka was brave enough and started speaking softly.

"What do you mean 'grandson'," Iruka asked worriedly.

"My name is Ikimasu Umino, I'm the head of Umino clan which is why I'm the Umikage of this village because only people from the Umino clan can be Umikage," Ikimasu explained quietly. Iruka seemed to be shocked at this information as his skin was getting paler and paler.

"But I have years to come before I die so don't worry about it, I'll have an successor before you know it," The old man said, letting go of Iruka and going back to his desk, telling us we can leave.

When we were walking back home, I could tell Iruka was stressed out, he didn't even throw my hand when I tried to hold his hand, which was unsettling.

It really must be difficult for Iruka, finding out that he isn't the only member of the Umino clan and it's his grandfather but he must be thinking about our relationship and the title for Umikage, I'll make him his favourite dishes when we get home, I thought willingly....

So the Umikage is Iruka's grandfather and he hasn't got much to live because he's like 70 so Iruka might have to be next in line and you know how kind-hearted Iruka is so will he accept my title of Umikage or will he live in Konoha with Kakashi. THANKS FOR THE 4K! Bye!

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