Training Part 2

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I don't own Naruto or any of the characters in this story.

Iruka's POV

I walked over the old lady and sat down in front of her.

"Hello. My name is Iruka Umino and I'm here with the Hokage for a hometown visit," I said politely.

"Oh hello, I am Anahita Shimizu, the trainer of all Umino's but you can call me Ana," The lady said cheerfully, like sleepness disappeared in a flash.

We started talking about the Leaf village and about Kakashi and me together, which was kind if embarrassing, but it felt like a little boy telling his grandma about his first day at school, I smiled at that thought, maybe I'll ask grandfather who grandmother was.

"Alright, enough of the chit-chat, let's get started on your training," I sighed, thinking of distracting so we couldn't do exactly that.

"Now, today will be focusing on the Umino's fighting stance and tomorrow we will focus on studying your families history, you got it," Ana said firmly but I started pouting without realising and then Ana pulled my ear. Hard.

"Still here boy, if you don't want to be strong then leave, if you don't want to protect the people you love then leave, I only teach people who want to risk their lives for others,"

And then we started training, she taught me a different kind of technique that all of the warriors that she have taught knew, which was kind of intimidating and I found out my chakra nature, I knew I had water but I also have wind, guess when I get back to the Leaf village, I'll have to teach Naruto some jutsu!

But it was almost midnight when we stopped training and I was exhausted so Ana let me have tomorrow off! Now I can lay in bed, relaxing my body! It's been a while since I've trained like this!

When I said goodbye to the enchanted gate, the land of water shimmering under the moonlight sky while when I was training, I still looked like it was morning. Maybe I was in a different dimension, I thought.

I actually took me 45 minutes to back to the house because everything looked the same in the night, I wonder if Kakashi is worried about me or is he still sleeping, I thought opening the front door to be pinned on the floor, hard.

It was Kakashi and he looked fierce and shaken as ever, looking around for something.

"K-K-Kakashi," I said nervously, not knowing why Kakashi was in distress but Kakashi did listen, he just carried me all the way to the bedroom.

"Kakashi!" I said louder when he set on the bed, still on top of me.

Kakashi then started firing questions at me until I saw Kakashi waking a piece of paper in front of mine, it was the same paper I did to prank Kakashi with....

I started laughed uncomfortably until Kakashi muttered some words and started leaving the bedroom. Still laughing, I jumped on Kakashi, forgetting all the pain, saying happily, "Did you really believe that! Did you think that was true! You really feel for it, didn't you!"

Kakashi looked confused for a second and then realised that he was pranked by the one and only, Iruka Umino, the number 1 pranker!

I was then forced to cuddle Kakashi for the whole of the next day, which I was supposed to be resting!!

Different perspectives of the same situation! Kakashi was just put off guard by his own boyfriend! Bye!!

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