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I don't own any of the characters in the story as Masashi Kishimoto owns it all.

A young man with his hair tied up and having a Chunin vest rushed into the room with a petrified look. Having a scar across his face, I knew it was Iruka Umino but since my mask was still on, he didn't know who I was.

In a flash, the baby was out of my hands and in Iruka's, with Naruto giggling happily of being away from me.

"Who are you! You aren't here to kidnap this poor child!" Iruka accused and I sighed. So The Hokage hasn't told him about Naruto yet, well it's better this way.

"I am from the ANBU, I was assigned by The Hokage to guard you and this child, I cannot give my real name other than you can call me Hound,"

Iruka's face turned bright red from embarrassment as he quickly bowed down and introduced himself, even though I knew.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my name is Iruka Umino and I look forward to working with you," Iruka said softly as he let Naruto play with his hair.

"Um, does this child have a name or is there a reason why I'm the one chosen for this job,"

"No name but the Hokage though you were going to be best suited for it," I answered but our conversation had to stop when a horrible smell came out of nowhere.

If it was me, I wouldn't have known what to do but Iruka did, as he quickly walked over the table and set Naruto before taking off his nappy and changed it without giving closing his nose.

"Oh come on Hound-sama, it's not that bad," Iruka teased as he threw the dirty nappy in the bin.

"How did you do that so comfortably," I said in shock as I moved closer after the smell went away.

"I work in the Orphanage, mostly making the food or just taking them out for some fresh but I do love the job, it's where I grew up from after all," Iruka said quietly, cuddling Naruto back into his arms.

So that's where he's been all along, in the Orphanage, no wonder then, he was always a true natural with children and now Naruto likes him too though he really wasn't all this soft before....

As we were chatting and giggling from Naruto, the time was already at three o'clock. When the sound of the minute hand going to the number 12 went, Iruka looked and was shocked.

"Anyways, I have a class to teach now, I'll see you later, Hound-sama! Baby-kun!" Iruka suddenly yelled as he walked over and set Naruto down, despite Naruto starting to cry again and left the room.

"Hey! He'll be back soon okay," I exclaimed but Naruto kept on crying. Why did Iruka have to leave....

Hey guys! This flashback is just when Iruka and Kakashi actually met and this is just a few months after Naruto is born. The flashback might finish in the next two chapters. If it's boring, please tell me! I don't know what to write! Anyways bye!!!

𝙸𝚛𝚞𝚔𝚊'𝚜 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 [𝙺𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚞]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن