Living With The Hatake Dogs

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I don't own Naruto or any of the characters in this story.

Iruka's POV

I woke up to see my boyfriend, Kakashi Hatake, he's the Hokage of the village we live in.

We live in a big house with 8 dogs, but it never gets crowded so we're okay.

Everyone was saying how they ship us and how we look good together, Naruto is always asking when we're going to get married, but I don't think anything soon.

Kakashi was leaving to go to a meeting for a day with Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage so I have to care of Kakashi's dogs! We've going to have so much fun! When I came back from goodbye to Kakashi, I saw the dogs sitting in front of the door, waiting for me.

"Hello boys, what do you want to do today," I said, kneeling down in front of them.

All of them started barking 'walkies', well except one, Pakkun. Before Kakashi left he said Pakkun's the one who needs my trust the most so I have to bond with him.

When we were in the park, I noticed Pakkun wasn't playing, instead he was sitting down watching the others play.

"Pakkun," I called softly.

Pakkun didn't answer, he just walked over to me slowly, "Yes sir?"

"You don't have to call me sir, you can call me Iruka, anyways why aren't you playing with the dogs," I asked politely.

"I do not play, I am the leader of this dog group so I am always serious," The dog replied.

"So will you okay if I go play with the others," I asked. Pakkun just nodded.

When I was playing with the dogs, I could see that Pakkun looked very sad and lonely, he reminded me of Naruto before I met him, all depressed and wanted some love.

So I called him and when he was close enough, I picked him up from under his arms and carried him like a baby.

Pakkun tried to escape my cuddle but then he relaxed into my touch, falling asleep in my arms like a newborn baby in his mother's arms. I smiled walmly, all he needed affection, I thought to myself.

It was getting dark so I decided to take them home and tell them a story about 8 dogs on an adventure and they love it except Pakkun, who was sleeping on my lap.

Kakashi's POV

I just came back from the meeting with Gaara but it was so boring without Iruka.

I can't wait wait to see my Ruru! I thought happily.

I opened the door expecting a greeting and some wuffing but it was as quiet as a mouse, except then there was snoring, I followed the snoring to the living room, where I saw Iruka and the dogs cuddling on the sofa.

As soon as I stood in front of them, Iruka slowly opened his eyes to see me.

"Kakashi!" He screamed happily, literally jumping on me. Soon after that, all the dogs were on top of me too, licking my face. Even Pakkun was in a good mood, I guess Pakkun trusts Iruka then. And now we're just like a big, happy family....

Hi guys! This was just a bit of fluff with Iruka and the dogs especially Pakkun because Pakkun is always serious and because I've never actually seen something like that so I hoped you liked it, anyways bye!

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