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I don't own Naruto or any of the characters in this story.

Iruka's POV

Knock knock! I wonder who it could be, I thought curiously, walking up to the door and opening it to see Kion!

"Hello Kion! What are you doing here," I asked happily.

"Good morning Iruka-kun! I am here from the order of the Umikage, he asked me to take you to a sacred place, only for Umino's," Kion said.

I told him to wait for me to get my jacket before we go but when I was rushing to get ready, I passed Kakashi, who was sleeping on the job, he was supposed to be writing a letter to Lady Tsunade about our experience of the Water village but I guess it was too boring or he was just too lazy. Either way, I'll let him sleep, all the more to tease him when I come from a mystical place, I thought, smiling to myself before giving Kakashi a kiss on the forehead.

"Let's go Kion," I said, sliding my feet into my sandals.

On our way to the 'sacred place', Kion gave me a letter, he said it was from the Umikage, itself.

Dear Iruka,

I am sorry I couldn't tell you this myself but I've been busy, with meeting and arrangements for the new heir for the throne. I have sent you to what we Umino's what our training grounds. I could feel that you haven't revealed your ability yet so I have hired you a trainer for that, she used to train all of the Umino's to become warriors and I hope she can turn you into one too.

Sincerely, Your Grandfather.

I was almost in tears when Kion called me over.

"Here's the training grounds! I'm supposed to drop you here so you can go in by yourself and meet your own trainer, bye!" Kion said quickly and then dissolved into water.

Jeez, I wonder why he had to leave so fast like that, I said to myself before actually looking at the surrounding I was in. It looked like I was in a forest and there was only one way to follow so I adventured forward until I was facing a gigantic gate.

I tried to push it but it didn't budge and I tried any other option until I heard a female voice.

"Who are you and what have you come here for!" The voice from the gate boldly asked.

"I have come here from the order of the Umikage, who is also my grandfather, my name is Iruka Umino," I said calmly.

"Hmm, you are not lying but is there something specific the Umikage wanted you to come here," The female asked curiously.

"Well he said that he set up a trainer so I can activate my ability," I said.

"Oh, you mean the Umino's Amulet, well your teacher is waiting for you inside, come in," The gate said excitedly.

And the gates opened to somewhere amazing. There was mostly water everywhere from a waterfall but there was some land with flowers that I've never seen before. It was like I've entered a different dimension but sitting down on the water, was a woman, a middle aged woman in fact.

I thought she was sleeping so when I walked closer, she immediately opened her eyes, they looked very tired.

"What took you so long! Oh! You must that boy the old man wanted to train! Come here and introduce yourself," The old lady shouted out. I nervously laughed before walking up to the lady.....

So who is that woman? Is she related to Iruka or is she something else. Well find out next time. Bye!

𝙸𝚛𝚞𝚔𝚊'𝚜 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 [𝙺𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚞]Where stories live. Discover now