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I don't own any of the characters in the story as Masashi Kishimoto owns it all.

Another day without my lovery Iruka, it's so boring that I could fall asleep though everytime I do, I still see that man in my dreams.

"Kakashi! Kakashi! It's-" It was Naruto with an annoying Pakkun hanging on for the ride before leaping off and sitting on my lap.

"Naruto, if you're here about taking me to the pub, I'm not interested," I said calmly, scratching Pakkun under his ear, receiving a satisfying groan.

"It's Iruka, he's awake,"Those words gave me goosebumps all around and there was no time before my legs took off, passing Naruto in a flash.

There he was, his eyes finally after all those weeks, he's finally awake. Still the same smile and voice, nothing has changed....


"Kakashi, Kakashi, wake up, if you're so tired, you should go to bed," It was Iruka, touching my hair gently, just how I like it.

"No, I'm just happy to see you, that's all," I said happily, raising my head up to feel more refreshed.

"So what happened when I was- you know," Iruka said hesitantly, looking at his fingers.



"Kotetsu! Izumo! Help me!" I said weakily, struggling with weight of Iruka on my back.

With wide eyes, they both came over to help immediately, taking Iruka and me to the hospital with some hand signs before I collapsed due to over using my chakra.

"So, what happened," It was Lady Tsunade, she came straight away after hearing the news and helped us out miraculously.

"The village, it got ambushed by one of their greatest enemies," I whispered, not wanting to see Tsunade's surprised look, "Apparently the person did it was the same person who wants Iruka's powers,"

"Are they okay- I mean alive," Tsunade said quickly, sitting down on my hospital.

I shook my head before fiddling with my hands, "Iruka's grandmother, she knocked Iruka out and told me not to look back, but when I did," I shuddered at the thought.

"What did you see Kakashi, this could save Iruka's life," Tsunade said angrily, shaking my shoulders hardly.

"I took one look back at the village to see him, Baphomet, it have to be him," I said seriously, looking at Tsunade to see her shocked face.

"Are- Are you sure it was him," Tsunade stammered, standing up quickly.

"I'm positive and I think he saw me too in the forest," Tsunade had already opened the door by then.

"Just get some rest Kakashi, you're going to need it," I nodded before my head hit my pillow and I went to dream world in a flash....

A few weeks has passed and Iruka hasn't waken up yet though there had been some information about Baphomet, saying that he's been seen in small villages near by.

This was getting more frustrating that I could stop working, sometimes working nonstop for 5 days though Pakkun and Tsunade was always there to drag me away....

Hey guys! Been struggling with ideas but got this for you still so I hope you are like it, tell me what you think in the comments, bye!!!

𝙸𝚛𝚞𝚔𝚊'𝚜 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 [𝙺𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚞]Where stories live. Discover now