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The British Lodge Hannam

Heeyoung sat down in the waiting area of the school, shaking her leg impatiently even if she just got there. She just wanted to grab the two kids and bring them to the ice cream shop already instead of staying in a place with mothers and maids staring at her like she was some sort of display at a museum. Her eyes drifted in random directions just to avoid their gazes but it was clear to see that they looked at her weirdly. 

"Uhm excuse me?" The lady next to her said, making her glance towards her. 

"Hello." She bowed awkwardly. 

"I just wanted to ask something if you don't mind," A giggle escaped her lips. "Are you really the twins' mom?"

Heeyoung was taken aback by the question and parted her lips slightly. "N-No, I'm their step-mom." She answered honestly.

A surprised expression appeared on the lady's face. "Oh my gosh, so who's their real mom? I heard that you and their dad were high school sweethearts, does that mean he cheated on you?"

She gritted her teeth before answering. "No, we weren't together that time."

"But you knew he had kids and still made him your boyfriend?" She let out a horrendous laugh. "Oh girl, you really are in it for the money huh." 

Heeyoung scoffed. "No offense but I can make money for myself, I wouldn't stoop down so low just to get rich unlike you." 

She gasped. "You did not just say that! I was rich ever since I was born, how could you!"

"And let me guess, since you'll be living independently you decided to marry someone rich or else you can't buy your little Louis Vuitton bags?" Heeyoung pointed at her brown designer bag with a large logo of the brand.

The lady stuttered and threw a fit while walking out of the school. The rest of the moms looked at her surprisingly but she couldn't tell whether they liked the situation or if they were scared of her. The school bell finally rang and it was dismissal time for the students. A few minutes later, the twins came into sight and they ran towards Heeyoung for a hug.

"Mommyyy!" They said at the same time and hugged each of her legs. 

"We're going to eat ice cream today right?" Haruto asked.

"Yes, that's why I came to pick you up." She chuckled.

"Are we gonna ride the bus again?" Sei's eyes widened out of excitement while asking.

"Yup! My Sei Sei is gonna ride the bus again."

"Yay!" Their toothy grins were on full display as they walked going out of school.

When they got to the store, Heeyoung ordered her usual Baseball Nut ice cream while the twins tried another new flavor again. Haruto's was Salted Cookie Dough Fudge and Sei's was Vanilla, her second favorite flavor. They were enjoying the ice cream alone in the store since no one else was dining in.

"How was school today?" Heeyoung asked them.

"We decorated our placemats for art class today! I placed a lot of pretty gems on mine and Haruto placed dinosaur stickers on his." Sei told her.

"Wow, you must've done a good job at that. Too bad I wasn't able to see it." She said.

"Mine looks bad." Haruto looked sad and had a small pout on his face.

"I'm sure you did a great job on it, are you not satisfied? Should we make another one?" Heeyoung looked at him with concern.

"No thanks, I'm not good at arts." He sighed.

"But does it make you happy when you make some art pieces?"

He nodded his head slowly. "If it makes you happy then that's what matters, you can be better with it as long as you practice." She offered an encouraging smile to him.

"Are you good at arts, Mommy?" He asks her.

She chuckles. "Not really, I can draw easy things but it looks like an amateur made it." Haruto smiled a bit and she continued. "Your dad is good at arts, you should ask him for help if you're having difficulty in it."

He pouted again. "Dad is always busy I can't ask him."

Heeyoung sighed and figured out that he was right. "When you have the time you should still try asking him okay?" She gave him an apologetic smile. "Now let's finish our ice cream and go home."

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