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Heeyoung's Apartment in Gangnam

"So the news is really out now huh? You can't back out anymore." Hyunjung talked through the speakers of Heeyoung's phone.

"Yes, I'm aware of that." Heeyoung replied while arranging her shoes inside her plain white built-in wardrobe.

"Are you really in it on being a step-mom for the kids? I mean, if you don't feel like it it's completely understandable."

Heeyoung fell silent as she thought about her sister's question. She continued with her chore and stacked the transparent shoe boxes on top of each other. It wasn't like she didn't like the thought of it, she was just quite uncomfortable that they aren't her kids at all and she doesn't even have an idea on who their real mom is.

"It's alright for me of course, I'm just adjusting to the new lifestyle I'll be having now that it's not just me and Hyunsuk." She stacked the last few boxes left and closed the wardrobe doors.

"Have you even tried being alone with the twins?"

"No, I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard to be their soon to be step-mom." She said the statement with conviction. One thing she has promised to herself is that she should never look and act too desparate no matter how much she wants to achieve something.

Heeyoung opened the other door of the wardrobe and picked out some clothes to wear for her shift later night. "You know by this time you should try acting on it, just the simple stuff you know? Bring them some food, take them out for some ice cream, hold a playdate with them, those types of things." Hyunjung suggested.

The suggestion made her pause for a moment. "That's quite a good idea. Do you think they'll like going out for some ice cream right now?" She calmly asked despite the rush of excitement she was feeling.

"Of course they will, they're kids! You better ask Hyunsuk oppa if they're allowed to eat sweets though, some parents don't allow their children to."

"Alright, I'll hang up now. I'm going to call him." Heeyoung got her black phone from the bedside table.

"Bye, unnie."


The call was dropped and she checked her phone log which mostly had Hyunsuk's name on it. They would usually stay on an hour long call once she gets home because Hyunsuk doesn't want her to feel alone. She tapped his name on the screen and the line started ringing.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Hyunsuk immediately asked as he answered the phone.

"I want to ask permission for something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can I take Sei and Haruto to a nearby ice cream shop?"

He paused for a moment. "Hmm? What for?"

Heeyoung nervously nibbled on her lips. "I just want to take them out for a bit."

"I'm not so sure... can you handle them alone? What if you get stressed out? You should be resting in bed right now for your shift, why are you awake?" He asked in concern.

"I was getting ready for work and had a random thought. Would it be alright with you if me and the kids get ice cream?" She asked again.

Hyunsuk sighed. "Okay but keep me updated. I'll tell their nannies to give you their leashes so you won't have a hard time looking after them."

Leashes? What are they, dogs? Heeyoung thought.

"Thank you for agreeing to this, Hyun. I appreciate it." She had a small smile on her face as she talked.

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