Rain of memory

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Mira was thinking about what had happened yesterday as she came out of the school. She felt restlessness in her heart but didn't know why. And her teacher gave a test for tomorrow. "Why did he need to give a test? That teacher, does he know there are lives at stake?", Mira grunted. "No matter what I say it's not his fault that I haven't studied." She sighed and bumped into someone, she looked up to say sorry and saw that it was Kai.
"Ah, Mira what are you doing?", said Kai.
"Nothing", said Mira.
"Is something bothering you?"
"Huh? No", siad Mira.
"Are you worried about yesterday?",
Mira stayed silent. Even everything was just fine in the end and no one was injured but she still felt uneasy.
"Do want to go somewhere?", Said Kai", to distract yourself."
Mira was confused. "Do you not take anything seriously? Are you not worried? He is out ther killing people and you want to me to distract myself?", Said Mira.
"You are misunderstanding me", said Kai. "Even if we try to find him we don't have any leads. We could have a lead yesterday but it didn't work out."
"Then, shouldn't we try harder? We can't ignore it."
"Yeah I know, we can't ignore it but worrying won't get you anywhere, would it?", said Kai. Though he said that he was even more worried. He wanted to protect the people around him but he was not able to do much. He had been trying hard to find some leads but to no avail. He didn't understand what he should do. But more than anything he didn't want others around him to be hurt.
"No, it wouldn't. But Eva is trying her hardest. Yesterday too, she was the one who was attacked and we couldn't even help her."
"Eva is always ahead of us. She never tells us what she is going to do, just calls us when she needs us", said Kai.
Mira was angry. She had been feeling anxious all day but talking to Kai was irritating her more.
"Are you going to search for some clues then?", asked Kai.
"I want to but I can't, I have a test", said Mira sighing. She already felt dumb to care about a test more than finding  a murderer. But it was not like they knew where or where not they should search.
"What subject?", asked Kai.
"You don't like maths?", asked Kai.
"I am average at it. It's just, in all this hassle I haven't studied much at all"
"Want me to help you?"
"What?", Mira was surprised at the unexpected question. The thought of kai teaching him made Mira blush. Should she say yes or should she say no? She was thinking hard.
"Hey", Kai leaned forward, looking into her eyes, he said, "Want me to help you?", and smiled gently.
Mira felt her face burning. "If you have time to spare, please do help me", she said blushing and looking at the ground.
"I always have time for you", he said.
Mira felt her heart race.
"Should we go?", asked kai.
"Huh? Ah, sure", she said.
They walked beside each other and stopped when they reached her house. She tried to open the door with key but it was already opened.
"Ah, Mira, you are back", her mum said coming out of the living room.
"Mum, you are home?"
"Yeah", she froze. "You brought a friend home. And it's a boy."
"Thanks for having me", said kai.
"Ah, are you the friend who was hospitalized?", asked her mom.
"Huh? Yes, it was just for two days", said kai.
"How are you now?", she asked.
"I am fine now", said kai.
"Mira was quite worried", she said. "So, Are you her boyfriend?", asked her mom excitedly.
"Mom!", Mira yelled." He is not! We are going to my room!"
"Okay, but don't do anything~"
"We are going to study!",  yelled Mira.
They entered her room and Mira slam the door shut.
"I am sorry about my Mom", said Mira to Kai.
"Ah, it's okay", said Kai.
They were sitting on the floor around a small table. They were silent for some time.
"Ah, yeah Eva asked when you were paired up with Ellen, did she say anything?", said Mira. Mira wanted to know too if they talked about anything.
"Ellen? No, I just thanked her for her help besides that we talked about nothing. Then there were some animals in our way attacking us."
"Help? She helped you?"
"Yeah, when I was attacked the other day, she jumped in to protect me and suffered quite damage."
"Ah, I remember now."
"But still not having any ability and jumping in without hesitation is quite impressive. She was able to defend herself this time too", said Kai.
Mira felt some anger in herself. He was saying the truth, it was impressive of Ellen to do so but she couldn't bring herself to say anything for some time. She kept looking down.
"But that can make her suspicious too", said Kai.
Mira looked up.
"Suspicious?", asked Mira. Mira would have understood why he said that but her mind was too much of a chaos to think straight.
"It can be two things. Either she is just brave or she is used to such dangers as the circumstances didn't shake her enough", said kai thoughtfully.
"Yeah, but I don't feel as if she is hiding something. But What happened yesterday was a bit confusing", said Mira.
"What do you mean?"
"The way we were separated then we were stopped from reaching Eva. It seemed like as if she was the target."
"Yeah, we shouldn't had splitted. It was because Eva doesn't trust Lucas and Ellen. She doubts both of them", said kai.
"Eva is just worried. She takes everything on herself. Even yesterday, It could have broken into a bad fight", Mira said. "She is trying quite hard to find him. She is even worried about us. Eva is just bad at communicating"
"What do you mean?", asked Kai.
"The first time we met her she insulted us all on purpose. During our fight, she kept provoking me so that I could get stronger."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, but it would be better if she became more honest. Not everyone can understand her intentions", said Mira concerned.
"Well, that's true. But you noticed. You are observant", said kai and smiled.
Mira blushed a little and looked away. She heard a tap at the window.
"Ah, it's raining", said Kai.
"Wouldn't it be difficult for you to go home?", asked Mira.
"Not really. Well, we have more time to spend together for your test", reached his bag to take out his books.
Mira blushed heavily at "spend together". "Maybe it was not a good idea to study together", she thought as her heart kept beating fast. She didn't feel this way before. But now these feelings were overwhelming her. The more he talked to her, the more her head was becoming a mess. Her heart was racing fast it could run a marathon. To distract her, she opened her notebook and started studying. Kai opened his and started studying too.

Lucas kept thinking about yesterday's conversation he had with Ellen. The light rain was trickling down from the grey-colored sky.
As Lucas stretched out his hand, a raindrop trickled down on his palm from the grey-colored sky. He was standing in front of a shop but rather than taking shelter from it, he was immersing himself in rain. His clothes were soaking wet but he didn't care. As he felt the rain falling on his face, he remembered a face that always loved him and thought about how her father used to drag him inside when it rained because he would stay in rain and become sick. But if he wanted to stay outside, his father would stop the rain around their house for sometime. But now there was noone who would stop the rain for him.
His beautiful black hair was wet. Rain trickled down from his head. Even if he cried, no one would be able to tell.
A father who always loved him. A father who always cared about. A father who he loved and cared about. A father who had left him. He felt heavy as he remembered this. Was there no one who would stop the rain for him? The rain kept falling, he didn't move. Rather he thought was there no one who could stop the rain for him? He thought as he looked at the ground with his crystal yellow eyes that told sadness. He stood there and didn't move.
He looked at the raindrops striking the surface and listened to the sound. He realized, he was not feeling the rain anymore, neither on his face nor on his hands. The rain was still falling but he was not feeling it. He looked up and saw an umbrella over his head and Ellen holding it.
"Lucas, why are you standing here like this?", asked Ellen worried.
The rain had stopped for him. Someone had stopped it for him. Lucas kept staring at her. It was not because he didn't know what to say. It was because he had a lot to say. His heart that felt heavy before, now felt light. For the second time, this girl had made him feel like this. His body was cold but his heart felt warm.
"Lucas?, Are you okay?", she asked.
His eyes became wide as he saw her talking to himself, asking him if he was okay. He hugged her as tightly as he could.
"Father, I am not okay", he cried. "Why did this has to happen? I am scared father, I am scared."
After a moment, he realized that it was not his father he was holding onto.
"Lucas? "
He didn't know what to say.
He was shocked and pushed her back. He understood that he had mistaken her as his father.
Ellen walked up to him and hugged him back. Lucas was surprised but he didn't push her away.
"Don't be scared, I am here for you", she said. "I'll be by your side. I'll be your courage. So don't think you are alone." Hearing such words, his heart that felt heavy now felt light. His eyes became blurry, tears rolled down his face. For the second time, this girl had made him feel like this- accepted. His body was cold though his heart felt warm. He had had not felt safe for a long time. But in this brief moment, he felt safe. His heart that always had been a mess felt calm. He wrapped his arms around her and put his head on her shoulder.
"Please, don't go away", he said.
"I won't", said Ellen gently.
They both were in each other's arms as rain soaked them wet. Lucas's legs shivered, feeling week he fell to his knees.

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