what am I?

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Ellen was standing in front of the building of Lucas's apartment. She came here just on a hunch.
"What are you doing here?", a voice said from behind. She turned around and saw lucas standing there. "Shouldn't you be more cautious of me? I am your enemy."
"Yeah, I should be. But I.... I can't. The story you told me about Lucifer. You are lucifer, right?", asked Ellen.
"Yes, I am", said Lucifer.
"So you gonna kill them all?"
"I have to."
"Would that solve everything?", asked Ellen.
He was enraged.
"You loved your father. Would he want you to do this?"
"When you have gone through what I have then ask me this question. I have nothing left. Nothing at all! There is no one for me!"
"You are right I don't know what it was like for you. But what about me? I said I'll be by your side. I meant it. Am I", she paused, "nothing to you?
Was it all an act?! When you cried when you laughed, and when you smiled like that did you mean nothing of it?!"
"I can't stop."
"You have endured enough. Please, I don't want to see you suffer anymore. If you continue this you are only going to suffer more."
"Why? Why are you trying so hard to stop me?"
"Why? Because I love you. I don't want to see you suffer anymore."
"Love me?"
"Yes, I do. I know you are not what you present yourself to be."
"How- How do you know that?"
"You show yourself to be cruel but you are kind. You show you are merciless but you care."
"I killed two people just two days ago, you know?"
"It wasn't you."
"The air around you was completely changed. It felt like you were trying to hold back something. You kept telling me I can't stop, get out of the way. You didn't want it.
"How do you know that?"
"Your eyes. They said it all. There was pain in your eyes.
When I first met you, your eyes were just dead.
I thought would this person be able to smile again. I wanted to help you. Then you smiled. It was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I wanted to protect that smile. Slowly and slowly you told me about yourself I thought I would be able to reach your heart. I just- I am sorry. She turned around. He grabbed his arm.
"You won't leave my side?"
"How? How are you so sure that you won't? How are you sure that you won't come to hate me?"
"Even if I want I can't hate you."
He grabbed her arm. "Why? Why do you always say such things? Do you still love me after knowing I am a murderer?"
"I do. I can never stop loving you. But I won't let you hurt my friends. I love them too."
"What a girl are you?
Your love is quite strong, isn't it?"
His body jerked. He grabbed his head firmly and screamed, his body kept jerking. "Get away! Run!", screamed Lucas. "You are a hindrance. You are making him weak", his eyes were gleaming red. She saw him leaping at herself, grasping her throat with his right hand. He gave another jerk, grabbed his right hand with his other hand, vigorously moving it away from her throat. Go away! Get up! Run! I can't control myself any longer.
"What is happening?", exclaimed Ellen.
"Just run!", begged Lucifer.
    Shrieking wildly, he leaped at her, tried to pierce through her neck. She grabbed his arm which astounded him and smashed him down which made a crater in the ground. Ellen was surprised at her herself. "Wow, those weapons are no joke. Maybe, think I will be able to stop him." Outraged, he snapped violently, saw her eyes glittering, and noticed the surroundings changing to a barren landscape that could be believed to be a graveyard. "There is no one around. Whoever you are leave Lucifer alone", said Ellen as she gave a stare so hostile you could say she was not the same person.
"So you know."
He took a very deep breath and exhaled flames of burning fire at her.
"He can breathe fire too?! She thought defending herself with her arms and jumping back. Falling at her armor, the flames made a dense fog around them. Ellen was belaboured on her back and flew through the air, he hit her again on the head, she landed on the ground. She saw Mira appearing in front of her, Eva came too. Kai appeared too and Nathan was with him.
"Get off me!", yelled Kai to Nathan.
"Why is he here?!", asked Eva.
"He clung to me!"
Eva sighed. "Why are you bothering us?!"
"I am not letting you fight alone. No matter what you do "I am going to fight with you, fight for you."
"Whatever." She raised her hand. A sword appeared in her hands.
"Here, use this. And if possible don't die", she said handing it to him.

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