A mysterious attack

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Mira was on the ground. She felt as if her body was paralyzed. Her pale skin was red due to blood dripping from her head like flowing water. She had no energy to get up and run away. The silhouette of the man drew closer.
She had given up. There was no way she could move her body and fight against a beast like him. She watched him raise his fists vertically above her as if intended to smash her like an insect. 1 2 and she was done.
Oh, stop. What are you doing beating innocents like this? echoed a deep voice. Another boy jumped in front of them. He was pale and thin. His eyes were beautiful crystal yellow and his hair was jet black. He looked beautifully fierce. He walked up to the man. You are wild, attacking people in the broad daylight like this. The man swung his arm and directed his fist at him. The boy dodged it and blootered him in the stomach. The man coughed blood, snapping violently. Outraged he struck violent blows at the boy with his big heavy arms which he took most of them.
Blood streaming down his face, the boy smirked. The boy battered him with wild blows and kicks, grabbed his two heavy arms, "you seem to like your arms very much", he said and ripped his arms off, gashed his hand through his throat. The boy was spattered with blood. The man fell to the ground in a pond of his blood and transformed back.
The boy walked up to Mira who had witnessed this horrible scenario, stretched his blood-stained hand. "Don't worry, I am an ally."
She was too horrified to speak, took his hand, and got up. Her legs were trembling. She picked up her book and Somehow she managed to walk up to Kai who was struggling to get up. "Are you okay?" She put her hand behind his back to support him. "Yeah. Thanks for helping us. Are you by any chance a stoner?"
"Yeah. You two are way too injured. Can either of you heal yourself?"
"Heal? No, we ca- maybe there is a spell." She rustled through the pages of the book.
"Spell? What's your stone?"
"This book is my stone."
"This book?" He stared at the book with a narrow glance.
"Here, it is." She put her hand on kai's arm and yelled. "How are you feeling?", She asked and covered her mouth and coughed wildly spitting blood.
He grabbed her."What's happening?" His voice was trembling. After a moment she stopped coughing.
"I think Your body is way too injured for you to use your spiritual energy. At this rate, you would die."
"Then what should I do?"
"Give me the book. I'll try."
"How would you do it?"
"I can copy the abilities of others. Well, some abilities. I am sure I can pull off a healing spell."
He took the book from her, put his hand on her arm, and yelled "carima".
In an instant, her wounds were closed off. Nobody could say she even had a scratch on her body.
"How are you feeling?"
"Better." She replied.
He put his hand on kai's arm and healed him too.
"You are welcome. By the way, my name is Lucas."
"I am mira Saphrax."
"Kai saffron."
"You are great at fighting."
Mira turned to Kai.
"Have we defeated him?"
"I guess not."
"Just a hunch", said Kai. "I think that guy was a civilian."
"I think so too", said Lucas.
"Well, we are three now. If we could find some else, it would be helpful", said kai.
"There is one more", said lucas.
A pale girl with blonde hair was approaching them.
"She is an ally too", said Lucas.
"I am Ellen. We saw the news and came to find other stoners."
Mira's legs were wobbling making her fall on her knees.
"You should rest. Your condition is bad."
"Yeah, I know." She sat on the ground against the wall. I can't go home like this."
"Me too."
Kai sat next to her.
"Well, we are four. Are you happy now?"
She blushed.
"Do you know how can we defeat him?"
Um.... Not really.
"It was Nicholas Saphrax who defeated him before. You must know something."
"I am sorry I don't know anything.'
They all fell silent.
"Your book is your stone. It's unusual."
"Yeah, I found it."
"Found it? What do you mean? Wasn't it passed on to you?"
"No, I found it in the storeroom. My grandpa never passed it on."
"I see. Then how did you get it? Perhaps this book found its way to you. It's your grandpa's legacy after all. He must have made a way for you to find it."
"Hey, if this book is still here after all these years, there could be some other things left by your great grandfather. It could help us find a clue on defeating him", said lucas.
"I don't think that's possible."
"Why not? If it's possible, it could help us find a clue on defeating him", said kai.
"maybe you should go to the place where he lived."
"But it was 200 years how could that place still exist? She looked at the book."
"But this book is here perhaps there is some kind of more information too", said kai.
Mira thought for sometime. "This is the only lead we have. Would we get anywhere? Ah! this is the only thing we can do right now. We can't just sit back and watch innocent people dying." I'm gonna go find great-grandpa's place. Still, how would I do that?"
"What's this book?"
"This book has some spells in it."
"Like magic spells!"
"Yeah, Then why not use it to find Nicholas saphrax place or something."
She looked at the book again.
"So are you going to look for Nicholas's place?" Lucas asked.
"Yes. I am going." Mira said.
"I'll go too." Kai said
"Why? What will you be doing?", Mira asked.
"You aren't thinking of going alone, are you?", huffed Kai.
"But you don't need to.."
"I'll meet you here today", he cut off her.

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