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Eva and Nathan was facing this boy. Eva sensed the ground shaking where she stood. She jumped, a spike just below her appeared. She kept dodging as anywhere she stood a spike would appear. "I can't fight like this, I have to calm down", Eva thought. She looked at the spikes of rocks that were formed around her. She fixed her gaze at them. The spikes shook and broke apart from the ground and flew into air. They surrounded her. She directed them at him skillfully making it difficult for him to dodge. As he was distracted trying to dodge most them, Nathan hit him from the side. He landed on the ground. Eva thought they had slowed h down when a she was hit sharp from behind. She got up and looked around. That whip the boy used before hit her. It hit her again. She couldn't sense it. She looked around she could see the whip coming at her. It's spikes were more protruding than before. The rock spikes surrounded her. Eva tried to jump but she couldn't, something was holding her. She looked down, the ground had formed a rope around her feet.
"Eva jump!", Nathan screamed as he was struggling to break free his feet too.
"I know!", Eva yelled as she was struggling. The spiker flew closer and faster. Nathan jumped in and punched away the spikes as much as he could. The whip hit her from back. His skin was torn and he was bleeding badly. His blood splattered in front of Eva's eyes.
The sight of Nathan lying lifeless on the ground and Eva screaming his name made Mira's heart stung.
Seeing this sight enraged Mira. She was incensed at her circumstances but more at herself for being incompetent.
She was raged but more guilty. Something stung her chest. She felt her heart sinking.
Her eyes became bright yellow, and sparks surrounded her as she spoke. She screamed making a storm of sparks of thunder and flames. Some of the sparks struck the man violently. The man burnt, shrieking in pain, to ashes. Eva was enraged, looking at the boy with her deadly eyes she raised her arm raising the boy with it who was confused in all chaos. The man screamed and screamed, Eva's red eyes still fixed at him, the man blasted shattering into pieces sprinkling the surroundings with blood.

Mira blasted a blow of thunder at Lucifer. He defended with his arms. She made a whirlwind of fire and thunderstorm concentrated at high pressure and flung it at him. Having taken a direct blow, he flew through the air and was smashed into the ground. As the fog lifted. They saw a half of his body was burnt and his face was burnt too. His skin was smouldering making his bones appear beneath his face and stomach. They could see his maxilla and mandible and bones of his stomach which were formerly covered by his skin. He laughed. A psychic laugh so cold which made them confused and shiver.
"Finally. Finally! I am free. Free I am free", he laughed hysterically, "that damn Nicholas! his own pitiful energy was to free me. Haha, it's exciting how foolishly you have shamed your blood. What I didn't do to provoke you but you were just pitifully dumb. Pathetic I don't know if I should cry or laugh. Good thing Nicholas isn't here he would have died of shame.
"What? What the hell are you saying?!", screamed Mira.
I pity you, you are so foolish!", he said excitedly and sneered.

Mira understood it was all his plan. He played them. Mira fell to her knees. Neither she had the strength to stand nor words were coming out of her mouth. There was no life in her eyes. She was devastated at what she had done. She played right into his trap.

Explosions of fire blasted everywhere. Everyone tried to run but they couldn't. One by one Lucas battered them and they were lying on the ground. He went for Mira. Mira was mutilated all over. She could see him coming. He tricked them. Like Nicholas said he was already at the staircase while they just started climbing it. Lucas stopped. He was going to hit Mira with the metal rod but stopped as soon as he saw someone stand in front of her and jumped back.
"What are you doing?! Why are you attacking them?", yelled Ellen as he stood in between them spreading her arms to defend Mira. But what could she do? What could someone helpless as her do in front of such a beast?
"Ellen! Get out of the way, I said!", yelled Lucas. "This has nothing to do with you. Go away!"
"Of course it has! If it has something to do with you, it has everything to do with me", yelled Ellen.
"Ellen- get out of here! I can't control myself! Please go away!"
"Unless you stop, I ain't going anywhere! Please Lucas, stop!"
"I can't stop, not anymore!"
Suddenly Lucas started coughing dreadfully, fell to his knees. "Crap! I have used too much energy" He moved his arm in a circle forming a portal window that opened to somewhere else and ran towards it.
"He is running away!! Don't let him get away!", yelled Kai.
He tried to run after him but he escaped. Kai too fell on the ground. They had lost.

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