we are here for each other

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"Is there a new virus that hasn't been discovered yet?
The more incidents are happening. Doctors haven't been able to identify the cause..."
The words rang in Mira's ears as she walked down the street to go the mountain. She tried to ignore these words. Trying as if it doesn't matter to her. If she could, she could have torn her ears apart so that she wouldn't be able to listen anymore to this. She had no idea what she would do. She was stumped by the way she was played.
She went to the mountain, laid on the grass to clear her mind but she knew her mind was too messed up to be cleared.
"Kai, what are you doing here?"
"Don't blame yourself for what happened yesterday. It was not your fault."
"Look at Nathan. Look at his state. He is not even a stoner and he is in the hospital. Eva is dejected. He is gonna kill us all. It was all his plan. I cannot protect anyone.
Everything is lost now."
"What do you mean?", said Kai.
Mira sighed. "Do you remember the book I had?"
"Yead, I do."
"It didn't belong to my great-grandfather. It belonged to Lucas."
"What? How? What are you saying?"
"The day I found the book. My mum told me the book belonged to my grandmother. My grandmother told me it belonged to her father who left them when she was young. My grandma hadn't seen that book for ages. How did my mother know about it then? He controlled my mother and made her say that. He wanted me to use that book. The more I was using him the more he was becoming stronger. He wanted me to hit him with my energy so that the curse placed on him would break. He has no weakness now. He played me into thinking I was the one who freed him making me feel guilty all this time. I couldn't think straight. I underestimated him. There is no point in anything we do now."
"Mira. Mira, it would be fine. We would find a way", said Kai.
"What way would we find?"
I wanna protect my family." She cried, "What should I do?
What if my next move put us in more danger? I am scared.
He wanted me to find the book. He wanted me to use it. What if my next move is something he wants me to make?! What should I do? "
He moved towards her, put his arms behind her pulled her towards himself, hugging her.
"What-what are you doing?"
"I don't know what move he wants us to make.
"What?" Mira didn't know how to respond but she felt safer and didn't want to push him away.
"Please, don't cry. Whatever it is we would fight together. You want to protect your family, right?"
She nodded. Kai said, "Let's fight together. If you felt weak I'll be your strength. Don't be scared I'll be your courage. So don't give up yet. You want to save your family, right?
I want to save my family too."
Mira felt something. For the first time in her life, someone had given her courage or had become her courage. Her clogged mind was cleared. All her fears went away. She felt she had someone she could trust.
"But he is too clever. He wanted me to drown in guilt to clog my mind. To make me feel that it's my responsibility to kill him and save others", said Mira.
"Why would you feel guilty?"
"I told you before, didn't I? I mispronounced a spell from the book and thought I accidentally freed him. He used this to his advantage", Mira explained.
"I see. But why would you think that spell broke the curse?"
"It was a spell to summon spirits."
"Who were you trying to summon?"
She remained silent. Maybe she wanted to answer but words wouldn't come out of her mouth.
"My father."
"I am sorry."
"Neither my mother nor my grandma knew anything about abilities. I didn't know anything which gave him an advantage. If only I would have been more clever.
Your family was cursed because of us. I want to apologize to your family. You were held back too. I am sorry", Mira spoke.
"Remember when we were attacked the first time, you took the fatal blow for me, then second time you cried for me and hurt yourself to save me. I felt how should I say it- happy. I was like there is someone who cries for me. That was the first time someone cried for me. How should I say this?", Kai said gently looking into her eyes. "I have never seen my father. My mother left him when I was very young. She never really paid attention to me. She was always scared. Then she told me about our family curse. I didn't know if I should hold a grudge or not. There were a lot of things I didn't understand. Then she died. I was alone. I didn't care if anyone died or lived. But I thought maybe my mother would want me to help you.
But now I have come to care. Care for you. I have found someone I want to protect. You are my family. I want to fight alongside you. I want to hol-".
Her phone rang.
"Ah, mom?"
"Yes, I am on my way. I am coming home", She hung up the phone and turned to Kai.
"You were saying something?", she said shyly turning her away from him
"Ah, nothing. I was just saying we would beat him together so um don't feel alone, okay?"
"Okay." Mira saw confusion in his eyes but didn't say anything.
"If only we could have more information about him, we would be able to defeat him"
Mira suddenly jumped,
"The book! The book!"
"Come with me. Maybe it could help us."
'What could help us?"
"Just come with me!", She grabbed his hand and dashed to her house.

"This is your home. Your mother?"
She isn't home yet.
"Wait in the living room." She ran upstairs and came down with the book.
"The day we went to that cottage, I found this book. I am sorry that I didn't tell you about this. I wanted to make sure it wouldn't put any one of us in danger. So I didn't tell you. You are not mad, are you?"
"Of course not."
"Thanks. My great-grandfather wrote this book to warn us about him. Last time I read it, it told me that the book I was using was his. Maybe there is some information that could help us."

Hoping that the book could give her some information on defeating him, she opened the book.
"During my research, I have found that you cannot kill him. He has been possessed by a spirit. Unless that spirit leaves his body you cannot kill Lucifer. He is host to that spirit. But even if you can separate Lucifer and the spirit, there is only one way to get rid of that spirit or it will prey on someone else. I have found that it can only be destroyed if you destroy its grave. But the question is how would you find its grave?
Now, this is important.
You would have the ability to control thunder from me. And there is another ability from my wife. It is to cast a curse. You would have to attack the spirit in such a way that both your spiritual energies clash at full force. During this cast a curse to go into his memories. You would disappear from the real world and enter the dimension of dreams. Then search its memories to find the grave and destroy it. For some time, it wouldn't realize that you had invaded its mind. But don't stay too long and come back quickly or with his mind gone, you would be gone forever. You would have an interval of a couple of minutes to come out of a dream dimension.
One last thing, I am sorry to dump this on you. I hope I could have helped you. So, please be alive."

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