A visit

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"How are you feeling?", Mira asked Kai. I have brought some fruits for you."
She had come to visit him in the hospital to check upon him.
"I am feeling fine. You didn't need to come here."
"Yeah, I know", said Mira. "But I came, do you not like it?"
"I didn't say so", said he, surprised at the unexpected question.
"Do your family know, you are here?"
"I don't have any family."
Mira didn't know how to answer this.
"My parents are dead", he said as if it didn't matter. "What about you? Didn't your family ask about your wounds?"
"My mother works late. And my father passed away three years ago."
They both remained silent for some time.
"You know When we went to Nicholas's house the other day, I-I found this book. It contained some extremely important information", Mira said.
"You found a book but you said you found nothing", said kai.
"I lied."
"Lied?! Why?!"
"This information was extremely dangerous, I just couldn't feel like telling anyon-"
"So you didn't want to trust anyone?"
"No that's not-"
"Then what is it? Why didn't you tell us?"
"I am sorry", said Mira gently.
"You don't like to take help from anyone, right?", asked Kai.
"You told me this last night too. It's not that I don't want anyone to help me. It's just I have gotten used to being on my own", Mira said. She thought to herself," why was she telling this to a guy she met a week ago? These words don't even mean anything to him." But somehow her heart wants to tell him this. She doesn't like to be helped because when she needed help there was no one to help her."
"Why?", asked Kai.
She didn't want to tell him. But somehow her words came out on their own.
"Because after my father died, I have been on my own."
"I am sorry, I-", said Kai after realizing he was prying more than he should.
"You don't need to say anything."
"You know, if you want, you can rely on me", said Kai.
Mira didn't know what to say. "Someone was asking her to trust him", she didn't know how to trust anyone.  
The silence of the room that lingered for some time was broken by the opening of the door. A guy came running in. He was tall and had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Kai! Are you okay? What happened?"
"Nathan! What are you doing here?", asked Kai.
"I heard you were in an accident, are you okay?"
"I am fine. You don't need to worry."
He noticed Mira. "Who is she?"
"A friend", replied kai.
"Are you his girlfriend?", asked Nathan eagerly.
"No, I am not-"
He turned to kai, "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?"
He turned to Mira, "So when did you two start dating?!", he was so eager to know, his eyes were shining.
"We are not-", Mira tried to say.
"Tell me! Tell m-" kai got up and smacked him on his head and pulled her away from her then went to bed.
"Listen, we are not dating", said kai firmly.
"Oh, is that so? Why didn't you tell me before?"
"First, you were not listeni-"
He went to Mira again. "I am sorry", he said gently to her ignoring kai again. "But it's good, You are pretty. Kai doesn't suit you at all."
"Oi Nathan! What are you saying?"
The door opened and Eva came in. Nathan looked at Eva when she came in.
"Kai, are you fine?", asked Eva.
"Yeah, I am fine."
Nathan stood straight, checked himself, and walked up to Eva. His eyes sparkled.
"Hi, I am Nathan."
"Hi", replied Eva.
"Are you kai's friend?", asked, Nathan.
"More or less, why?", asked Eva.
"No reason. Can we be friends?"
"Maybe." She turned to kai. "I came to check up on you since you are doing fine, I'll go now."
"Well, I'll go too", said Mira. "Take care."

Ellen was going back from school when she spotted Lucas and called out to him and ran up to him.
"What are you doing?", asked Ellen.
"Nothing, just taking a walk", replied lucas.
"So you are free?", asked Ellen excitedly.
"Yes, why?", asked Lucas suspiciously.
"You know there is this shop of very delicious steamed bun here. They are selling their new product. But one person can only buy two so..", she was very excited.
"Since you are free, can you help me? You just have to buy two", she said with sparkling eyes.
"No, I am-"
"Please, please, please", begged Ellen with eyes full of hope. "I'll be indebted to you for my whole life."
"Please, just this once", said Ellen. "My life depends on it."
"How does your life depends on a bun?"
"Ah, it's- come on, just once, it would be quick", begged Ellen.
"Fine", surrendered Lucas.
"Really? thank you!", said Ellen jumping.
After a while, they reached the bun shop which had a long line.
"You said it would be quick", said Luca seeing the long line
"It would only take ten minutes, please", said Ellen.
He wanted to say no but for some reason, maybe seeing her excitement, he couldn't bring himself to refuse her.
"I'll only stand in line for ten minutes", said Lucas.
"Thank you."
They both stood in the line. To Lucas's surprise, it actually took ten minutes before their turn came. Ellen could be called greatly experienced. Before they went into the shop, Ellen gave Lucas some money and told him to buy two different flavors then she would be able to try four different flavors. Lucas was irritated but did as she said. They were walking down the street after buying the buns. Ellen was in the clouds. It was as if flowers were blooming around her.
"Thanks for today", said Ellen.
She took a bun out of the bag and gave it to Lucas.
"You helped, so, it's my thanks to you", said Ellen shyly.
"Didn't you want to eat four buns?", asked Lucas.
"I want to give it to you", said Ellen.
"Just eat it",
"I am not hungr-", he said when his stomach growled loudly. His face turned red.
"Your stomach says otherwise", she chuckled.
Embarrassed he removed the wrapper, and took a bite. He found it so delicious that it took him a minute to finish it. Ellen was staring at him. "He liked them", she thought to herself and felt happy. Ellen took a bite of her bun and felt bliss. Her expression was as if she was experiencing paradise but it was interrupted by Lucas's constant staring. Ellen couldn't take another bite.
"You want one more?", said Ellen.
Lucas's cheeks went pink and he said shyly," can I get one?"
"Stomach is the way to the heart", thought Ellen and gave him another from the bag. Lucas admired the bun as if it's something really valuable before eating it while Ellen finished hers. Finally, Lucas removed the wrapper and took a bite. "Wow, what an expression. "Well, it can't be helped food is the best thing in the world", Ellen thought to herself while she removed the wrapper of her next bun which was the new product, she wanted to try and take a bite. The expression of bliss she had before now had turned to an unpleasant puckered expression. Lucas saw that she was not eating and her bitter, yet amusing expression.
"Why are you not eating?", asked lucas.
"It's sour", replied Ellen in a bitter voice.
"You don't like the sour taste."
"I hate it."
"Why did you buy it?", asked Lucas.
"It is the new product, I wanted to taste it", she said whimpering.
"Want to have mine?", Lucas asked offering his half-eaten bun
"Huh? Rea- I mean, no it's yours."
"I don't mind sour", said Lucas.
"Give me that." He took the sour bun from her hands and his to her and started eating it.
Ellen hesitated then took a bite which again took her to paradise.
Lucas chuckled.
"What?", asked Ellen.
"It's funny how your expression changes." He couldn't stop laughing at her.
Ellen was a bit embarrassed and blushed but she couldn't stop looking at him laughing. "She has never seen such a  warm and gentle smile", she thought. Her heart felt warm.
Lucas stopped laughing and looked at her.
"What?", he asked calmly and smiling
"What are you looking at?", he asked gently.
"I was thinking, your smile is really sweet and cute", said Ellen gently. "You should smile more."
Lucas's eyes became wide. For a moment, he couldn't understand what was he told. His face was so red he could easily be mistaken as a tomato. He looked at the ground and didn't know what to say. None have had never told him such a thing. For some reason, for the first time, his heart felt warm and he felt another emotion but he didn't know what it was. Was it happiness? Maybe. But he was sure he had had never felt this before. He didn't want this emotion to go away because it gave him a feeling that he couldn't recognize yet.
"Lucas, I think I should go home it's getting dark", said Ellen as picked up her bag. "Thanks for today", she said and sprinted. Her heart was beating fast, her face was read. She was surprised at herself. She had said instinctively. Now she didn't know what to say. She ran to her home.

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