The grave

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Lucas saw it whizzing towards her, she couldn't move. It pierced through the chest but it was not her chest that was perforated.
"Lucas!! No, no, no. Why?", yelled Ellen. Lucas took the hit for her and fell on his knees.
"I can't let you die, you are precious", said Lucifer.
"Lucas, Lucas." She took him in his arms. "Your wound- your wound. You would be alright, You would be alright, You would be alright, Please. Please. I can't anymore. You are the first person I had a real bond with. I don't wanna lose anymore. You would be okay. What was that word she always used?", thinking maybe she could use a healing spell.
He caressed her cheeks. "I would be fine." His skin started withering away.
"Of coure, of course you would be fine."
Coughing blood, his yellow eyes were red maybe from injury or from crying, he spoke, "Ellen I was already dead. I was living because I offered myself to this spirit. But as dead as I was you made me alive. After meeting you, I felt my heart that I never had. I couldn't push you away. I finally have someone to hold onto. I was happy when you said you would be by my side. I was scared to trust you. I am so sorry. I am happy. I have someone I can love, I can trust. Someone I can hold onto. Again I have hurt the person who did so much for me. I am sorry but please keep living, your life is precious."
His voice faded dwindling in the air, "thanks."His gaze still fixed at her, he still smiled but there was no life in him anymore. She still looked at him. Gently stroking his hair, embracing his skin she sobbed. The more she saw him the more her chest stung. She kept looking at him with a dreadful look in her eyes may be expecting him to speak, to get up. But there he was, lying as motionless as a stone though his body was still warm. Neither she could let go of his still-warm body nor she could suppress this rage for who put him in this state. As Ellen stared at him, all his skin was gone, only his skeleton was left behind. Ellen still held it, stared at it. The bones of the one who were the most precious person to him. She glided her hand above the skeleton and it disappeared.
Ellen screamed. A scream from the depth of her heart which could shake the very hearts of wild animals. Every inch of her skin was filled with rage.Her vision was blurry as she couldn't stop crying, she saw a fist being directed at her from the side. Neither she looked up nor she moved, she grabbed his hair and blootered his stomach. The man's body was flown away, his head was in her hands, smearing her pale skin with red blood which matched the bloodlust in her eyes.
Battering him with repeated blows, she screamed," I'LL KILL YOU!"
Ellena raised a cyclone of air Mira mixed a thunderstorm creating a tornado of thunder directed at him.
"Mira! Now!", yelled Kai.
Mira blasted her wave of thunder too.He blasted a whirl of energy to encounter. Collision of this massive energy gave rise to fog, there was glittering of light.

After opening her eyes, Mira found herself lying on the ground. She glanced around and was certain the surroundings were unknown to her. Maybe the plan worked? She had to make sure. She walked around, saw a couple of memories. She saw how Lucifer was abandoned by his own parents for not having any powers, how Lucifer was accused. Him running away, his father being killed. Now, There was Lucifer with a shabby person. "They have wronged you. They killed your father as if he was a mere insect. They would kill you. Won't you avenge him? Because they were scared, they put you through this hell. I will help you to avenge your father. In return, you help me too", she heard him saying to Lucifer. She kept following Lucifer and saw memories of how he killed people. Mira had mixed feelings. It was not Lucifer who was killing people, it was someone else who exploited his grief. She felt sympathy for him. But Lucifer agreed to it. He knew what was he doing. But now she couldn't back down. She needed to do what she came for.
Lucifer entered a graveyard and stopped in front of a particular one. He put his arm in his bag, bringing out a piece of arm and put into the grave after digging it.
"There it is! I found it. But how did the bag contained such a big arm? Maybe it's magical. Why am I thinking about a bag? More importantly, I need to destroy that grave. Do I need to destroy that arm too. Ugh! I don't know, I'll just destroy it too. I'll just go and smash it", she thought to herself.
No sooner did Lucifer move from there than she sprinted towards the grave. Noticing the ground before her shaking she stopped. A person came out from the ground. His skin was red, he had no eyes and looked mindless.
He shrieked.
"I already don't have enough time but now I have have to fight this man too", Mira thought.

As the mist cleared, surroundings became clearer. Kai noticed that Mira was gone."The plan have worked!" He thought to himself.
Ellen opened her eyes and noticed that Mira was gone too. She got up and looked around for the spirit. She noticed the ground shaking. The ground in front of her dug open. She saw a leg coming out. It was not a man's leg but an animal's. She fixed her gaze as she saw a dog coming out. It's skin was red as blood and there was no hair on its body. It's teeth were sharp and stained with blood. It barked at her wildly and sprinted towards her. Leaped at her to tear her. Ellen threw a blast of air with a massive thurst to defend herself, it's skin withered away leaving behind his skeleton. The bones fell on the ground. The sight horrified Ellen. She noticed similar dogs surrounding her and Nathan too.
Kai was surrounded too.
"Mira need to hurry up or we are dead meat."

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