A new enemy

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It was early morning, Mira was in the front of the school just about to go in when she noticed Kai coming towards the school.
"Good morning", Kai said to her.
"Why are you here?", asked Mira worried. "Shouldn't you be in the hospital?"
"They discharged me", said Kai.
"Oh, that's good", said Mira happily.
"Thanks for visiting me", said Kai smiling and leaning towards her.
Mira blushed.
"It's nothing to thank about", she said embarrassed.
"But you visited me for two days", said Kai grinning.
Mira's face went red.
"I told you it's nothing!", yelled Mira and ran into the school. Kai smiled seeing her like this and went inside the school.

All students were heading to their classrooms as the recess was over. Heading back to the classroom, kai heard a voice. This was the voice he could recognise anywhere.
"I can take it myself", he heard Mira saying. He saw her carrying a big pile of books.
"But they are very heavy", said the other girl.
"Don't worry, They are not that heavy, I can carry them. Thanks by the way", Mira said as she walked away from the girl.
Kai walked up to her and stood in front of her.
"Kai, could you get aside?", asked Mira. The books were too heavy for her to turn.
"No", replied kai.
"What's with you? I need to get these books to the staff room", yelled Mira.
"Why are you carrying them alone?", asked Kai.
"Get aside I said!", yelled Mira. She grunted and tried to pass by him. But the weight of the books made her unstable and she fell over kai. The books scattered on the ground. But Mira didn't care about the books as she was more busy looking into his black eyes. Her soft arms were against his hard chest and her legs over his. Both were lost into each other's eyes they didn't even realize until the bell rang. As soon as she heard the bell, she came to her senses. She pushed him and got up. Her face was red like beautiful the color of rose. Her mind had stopped working. For a moment, she didn't know what to do. Looking at the ground, she noticed books.
"Books! I need- I need to take them to staff room", she said trying to calm herself and started gathering books. Kai got up, he too was embarassed and his face was red too. This was the first time, he had come this close to her. He started gathering books too. Mira couldn't calm her heart which was beating so fast. She understood what had happened but she didn't want to understand what had happened.
Mira gathered a pile, half of the pile was in Kai's hands but she neither said anything nor looked at him and strode off towards staff room. Kai followed her. He too for now didn't have the courage to look at her. Mira opened the door and put the books on the table, followed by Kai and went to the classroom. All day Mira couldn't stop thinking about it and avoided him whenever she saw him.

While coming out of the school, she spotted Kai leant against the wall perhaps waiting for someone. She didn't know how to face him or how to talk to him. Her mind went blank and she decided to avoid him and sneak by him as fast as he could. She walked swiftly, looking at the ground.
"Mira", called Kai. She froze for a second then turned to him, still looking at the ground.
"Hey, um", Mira looked up, his face was red like a cherry which made Mira's heart race and her cheeks went pink too.
"I am sorry about earlier", said Kai shyly. "It was just an accident. "
"Are you mad?", asked Kai.
She shook her head so intensely it could have fallen off. The appearance of kai asking her with his cheeks being pink made Mira's heart skip a beat. She had been wanting to speak to him but was so nervous to do so.
"But you have been avoiding me all day", said kai.
She still didn't look him in the eye.
"Do you hate me?", he said concerned, leaning towards her and looking into her eyes but she was looking at the ground. The more he talked to him, the more her face became red.
"Hey, do you have a fever?", your face is red", said Kai as he put his hand on her forehead. Mira jumped.
"I am fine! ", she yelled.
"O-okay", Kai was little surprised and confused.
"What are you two doing?", Nathan asked.
"When did you come?", Kai asked.
"Just now", replied Nathan.
"Mira, can I ask you something?", said Nathan.
"Sure", said Mira gently. Kai was observing both of them.
"Your friend Eva-
Someone swiftly passed by them. Eva was rushing after him, she stopped when she saw them.
"We have to catch..him he attacked then ran off. He wants me follow her. You remember what I said last time", she said panting. Then dashed after him followed by Mira and Kai. Nathan didn't understand but still followed them.

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