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"Mira! Mira!", Ellen was shouting in the forest randomly when she saw two girls fighting with each other. However, it was not a normal fight. She knew she somehow had been involved in something dangerous but this was not the time to think about this. She needed to help that Kai.
"Mira!", she shouted randomly.
"Ellen? I am busy here!", shouted Mira.
"Kai- Kai. Someone attacked him. They were fighting. They had-
"What?!", she stopped her first, which was going for hitting other girl, at once.
The other girl stopped her kick too.
"What? Take us there!", yelled Mira.
They all dashed through the forest to the city.

"Kai!" Mira couldn't see anything in the fog. "Kai!"
She was anxious thinking about the state she would find him in. Her steps were uncertain, her voice was trembling.
"Kai! Come on answer me!"
She saw a man lying on the ground. Kai! She ran up to him. Kai? She said as she turned the body around.
"Are you-" she screamed. "It's not Kai."
She heard a whimpering sound. She glanced around, noticed another man lying on the floor, and ran up to him.
"Kai? It's yo-". For a moment she forgot to breathe, aghast at his state. Kai's face was all battered up stained with blood. His arm looked as if it would fall off his shoulder any minute. His clothes were tattered and his body was red. "Kai", her voice was quivering. She put her hand on his chest and yelled, "carima". She could see some small wounds curing.
" Carima!!"
"Mira!", Eva came running to her. She was horrified at his state.
Mira continuously yelled the spell. "Carima! Carima! Carima!" She coughed. She coughed again. Ava could see her muscles palpitating.
"Stop! Mira! Stop!" Eva grabbed her hand and looked at her face. Her eyes were red, her tears wouldn't stop coming out. SHUT UP!!
She put her hands again on him.
He opened his eyes. She was still yelling wildly. And coughed up blood.
"Mira." She stopped as he heard his voice. "Kai!" She put her head on his chest and howled loudly.
"Thank goodness!", cried Mira.
"Mira, I am fine!", He was nervous.
"Really?", She got up.
She supported his back to help him sit up.
"How are you feeling?"
"Don't worry, you have healed me enough", said Kai.
He looked at her face. Her expressions were a mix of relief and fear. He stroked her hair brown hair gently.
"Thanks. I am really okay."
He noticed her skin was somewhat blue.
"Mira your skin is all blue."
"Huh?", She looked at herself
"I am fine. I just overused a spell too much."
He looked at her and sighed. "Was it when you were healing me?"
"I don't want you to harm yourself for me."
"I did what I wanted to. I just couldn't leave you here."
"I can share some energy with you. It will make you feel better", offered Eva.
"You don't need to help me. I am fine."
"You always say, you don't need anyone's help. You don't want anyone to help you but you would help others even if they say not to."
"Huh? I can't just ignore if I see someone in trouble", howled Mira.
"That's how I feel for you. I can't ignore it when you try to do everything on your own."
Mira didn't know how to answer. She remained quiet.
Eva thought it wouldn't be good to meddle in their fight.
"You know, you could have just thanked me", frowned Mira.
"I won't", said Kai.
She got frustrated."Then, go to the doctor! Your injuries are not completely healed!
"Yeah, I will."
She got up and turned to Eva, "if you can, kindly take him to the hospital." She turned to Ellen," you are injured too. You should get yourself checked too. I'll heal whatever wounds I can."

"Doctor asked you to stay here", frowned Mira.
"You healed most of the wounds, so I am almost fine, and thanks."
Mira's face that was wrinkled from frowning, lit up.
"It's good Ellen came to us in time", said Eva.
"You could have used your stone to fight him", asked Kai.
"I helped you with stones. Remember, I threw them at him."
"I am talking about your ability."
"Before, you acted as if you don't know me", said Kai.
"Yeah, because I don't know you. I don't know any of you.
From what I saw I can say you are no ordinary human.
This is the first time I have met you all", said Ellena.
"You have been hanging out with us for a week."
"A week? How can that be possible?", said Ellena.
"That time I and mira were attacked. Lucas saved us. You were with him."
"That's me." She turned to him.
"I don't know you", said Ellen.
"You are the one who reached out to me to find the others", explained Lucas.
"I don't remember any of this and why would I need to find any of you!", howled Ellen.
"Could he have erased your memory?", asked Mira.
"No, my memory is fine. But I don't remember meeting any of you. But who is this he?"
"You remember what your ability is, right?", asked Mira.
"So you don't", concluded Mira.
"I don't because I don't have one."
"You do", said Mira.
"Then what is it?"
"You never told us."
"Because I don't have any."
"You have forgotten!"
"I haven't!"
"He must have erased your memory."
"Again who is this he?!", howled Ellen.
"No, he didn't", Ava said. "She doesn't have any ability. I can't sense any high energy from her. She is a human."
"Then why did you know about him?", asked Kai.
"I already told you! I don't know", shouted Ellen.
"Maybe it was a part of his plan. Maybe he manipulated her or something", said Eva.
"Manipulated her?", said Lucas.
"Would you mind telling me who is this he?", frowned Ellen.
"It's the only reason I can think of. She says she doesn't remember meeting us. But she remembers everything else, right?"
"What else?"
"Your life, your family."
"Yeah, I do."
"She doesn't have any ability, so it doesn't make sense for her to know about us."
"Have you seen the news of recent incidents of people dying of unknown cause?", asked Lucas.
"Yes, I have."
"There is an evil guy who was sealed 200 years ago but now has broken free, is sucking people's energy, is a very dangerous person. You maybe don't remember anything because of him", explained Lucas.
"You may be right. But we don't know. It would be better if you stay on your guard. Even if you are just an ordinary human, there must be a reason for him to control you."
"Yeah, sure. I would."
"If you see anything, do tell us."
"Sure. I'll go home now."
"Don't go alone."
"Lucas, you walk her home", said Eva.
"Huh? Why me?", exclaimed Lucas.
"Why? do you have anything to do?", asked Eva.
"I can go home myself. I don-", said Ellen.
"Just go. I don't want any more trouble", howled Eva.
"Whatever, let's go", said Lucas sighing.
They both went out of the hospital.
"I have checked the memories of those two who attacked you", Eva said.
"You can see memories? ", said Kai.
"I am psychic, I told you before", said Eva.
"You make Ellen go on purpose?", said Mira.
"Yeah, we still don't know if she was telling the truth or not", said Eva. "So I checked their memories. The first guy you fought was an ability user too. His name was Gilbert. He knew about his ability but he was living a normal life. I couldn't access all of his mind as he was dead but from what I saw, he was living normally then in one memory, he met someone, his mind went blank then he fought you and died."
"So you mean, he is manipulating other ability users to fight against us."
"What about the other guy?", asked Mira.
"His name was John. His mind too went blank, he attacked you." She continued, " Well, it makes achieving his goal easier. Making stoners fight amongst themselves", said Eva.
"You are right", said Mira.
"Did you find any other lead?", asked Kai.
"No. We don't even know what he looks like, all we can do is wait for another attack", said Eva.
"Why wait for another attack?", asked Mira.
"If we catch the person alive, I will be able to access his memories completely. Maybe then we can find him", explained Eva.
"That's great!", said Mira.
"And don't tell about this to Lucas and Ellen", said Eva firmly.
"You don't trust them?", asked Kai.
"No. I can still trust Ellen but there is something about Lucas. But I don't trust either of them so don't tell them", said Eva.
"Yeah, something about them is definitely suspicious", said Mira.
"Fine, we won't tell them", said Kai.

Ellen was walking to her home with Lucas who had a very annoyed expression on his face. Usually, she wouldn't try to initiate a conversation but she was curious about them as they all had supernatural abilities and they were fighting a villain. She wanted to know more about it.
"Hey, Lucas", she said.
He didn't answer.
She continued," who is this evil guy who is killing people?"
She kept staring at him while walking and bumped into a pole. He giggled at the way she hit herself.
"Walk carefully or your head would be swollen", he said mocking her.
"It's your fault!", said she rubbing her forehead feeling a bit embarrassed. Normally, She would been a little angry but she was not.
"How is it my fault?", said lucas.
"If you just had answered me, I would have looked straight instead of looking at you", explained Ellen.
"That's what you do when you are walking!", said Lucas.
"Whatever. If you answer my question then you don't need to walk me anymore", offered Ellen.
"Oh, what if he attacks you when you are going home?", he said mocking her.
"I can protect myself", yelled Ellen.
"You don't have any ability how would you fight him?", asked Lucas.
"Then the worst he can do is kill me! Now just tell me who is he?!", yelled Ellen.
Lucas was surprised. He had not expected her to say this. "Does she not value her life?" He thought to himself as he stared at her.
"What?", asked Ellen.
"People call him Skeleton", said Lucas." His goal is to kill all ability users and he is sucking spiritual energies of people to get stronger."
"Why does he want to kill them?"
"You said if I answered your question, I can go my way", said Lucas.
"Yeah, I did. Then just on-", "No".
"You are so unfriendly", she pouted.
She felt her phone vibrate and picked it up.
"I am staying at my friend's house today. Yeah, I'll come tomorrow", she said to someone on the phone and hung up.
"You weren't going home?", asked Lucas.
She didn't answer. But her expression told something was off.
"You don't want to go home to your parents?", asked Lucas.
"My parents are dead. I live with my uncle."
"Does he not care about you?", asked Lucas.
"He does."
"So you don't like him?"
"I like him. And he loves me", said Ellen.
"You can't accept your parent's death."
She didn't say anything.
They both remained silent for some time.
"Well, go home soon. It's not good to be out at this time. If something happened to you he wouldn't be able to forgive himself."
Ellen stared at his back as he walked away saying these words to her.

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