Nicholas cottage

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Next day, Mira was waiting at the same road, they had fought and barely made alive, for Kai. They had planned to any whereabouts about Nicholas today. Last night, She had gone through the book, hoping to stumble upon a spell that could help them. She did find one. However, she had no idea if it would work or not. She was anxious to use the book and pretty restless as she had no idea what would happen further.
"Good morning", said Kai walking up to her.
"Good morning", replied Mira.
"So um I found a spell." "However, I am sure if it would work", She said while rustling to the pages and yelled, "racto."
A ball of light appeared in front of them moved in the opposite direction. They followed it. It took them two hours before they reached a forest. The light ball went into the jungle. They followed it. At the end of it, there was a vast landscape. The light ball dissipated.
"What? There is nothing here! Nothing at all! It's just a landscape!", said Mira.
"Seriously, we walked for hours and this is what we had found!", said Kai exasperatedly.
"What should we do now?" Said Mira despondently.
"Should we try it again?", asked Kai.
She tried the spell again. The ball appeared, went a little further then dissipated and a broken shattered cottage appeared. They looked at each other in shock. They had not expected this. However, this cottage could give them many answers.
"We should enter, right?", said Mira. She was hesitating a bit.
"What choice do we have?", said kai.
They entered the house.
There were a lot of piles of papers inside. While going through the luggage, kai grabbed a book and grunted. The book had blazed burning his hand.
"Hey! What happened?", She ran up to him.
"Nothing!", He was trying to keep a straight face. However, his eyes could tell he was in pain. He tried to hide his hand.
"What? Show me your hand."
"Please, don't bother I am fine."
She rustled through the pages, ignoring him.
I am sure the healing spell was here somewhere.
"Hey- "
"Here it is! Stay put."
"She put her hand lightly on his hand and yelled,
The burnt was fading. In a minute, it was completely gone.
"It worked! It worked! Look it's alright now!" She looked at him. Their eyes locked. For a moment, Mira was gazing into his beautiful black eyes that sparkled due to sunlight. He was gazing into her cute brown eyes. Mira realized and shied away blushing.
"My hand."
He moved up the hand that she was still holding onto.
"Yeah sorry. Umm...Yeah I mean let's not waste time and look for clues. She got up and hit her head into the cupboard above."
"You okay?!"
"Yeah, I am fine. She didn't look up." She backed away.
He noticed her face was pink and went pink himself. I-I'll go check there.
Something jumped on her head. She touched it. Shrieking obstreperously, she ran wildly into him
"What's the matter?"
"There is a lizard-a lizard on my head!!"
He looked at her head, grabbed a paper, and threw the lizard away. It's gone now.
"Thanks. You are a lifesaver." Said Mira.
"To such a reaction lizard would be the more scared one." He thought to himself and went to search further.
While getting up, Mira noticed a rather small book on the floor. She was reluctant to pick it up as her hand could get burnt too.
She touched it with the tip of her finger. "Gosh, it didn't burn." She thought and touched with two fingers. It didn't burn again. She grabbed the book, opened it.
"Only a descendant of mine would be able to read this book. Whoever had found this book. I have important information to share. She read, Before that, I wanna apologize. I am sorry that you have to go through such a hard time. If we were more competent we would have gotten rid of him. You are here, it appears that he has risen again." The book read.
"Did you find anything?", asked Kai.
She closed the book and it behind her. "No, nothing."
"We can't touch anything. I think this place is enchanted."
"Do you want to search more or go back?"
"Yeah." Mira was in a daze. She was not sure if she should tell him about the book or not.
"Are you listening?"
"Yes! um, let's go back."
"What's the matter? Are you under a spell or something?", said Kai stepping towards her.
"Not at all!", She backed away. "Let's go back."
They both made it out of the forest and went on the road.
On their way back, they saw people crowding at one place and whispering seriously. It seemed that someone had died.
They looked at each other and went to check it out.
"Excuse me, Sir, what happened here? ", She asked the person standing next to her.
"It again happened, that mysterious death."
"Mysterious death? the two others of which doctors cannot find the cause of?!"
She looked the ground and said faintly,"It happened again!"
Kai noticed her gloomy expression and pulled her out of the crowd.
"What?", asked Mira.
"Nothing,"said Kai. Maybe he wanted to say something else but couldn't find the right words. Mira was still staring at him.
"Hey, what are you two doing here?", someone called them from behind.
"Lucas!", exclaimed Mira. She was surprised to see him here.
"What are you doing here?", asked Kai.
"I heard someone has died here so I came to take a look", told Lucas.
"We saw it just now too. Aren't we his target?! why is he targeting innocents?!", moaned Mira.
"Yeah, you are right, why would he target them?", questioned kai
"I think he is sucking out the spiritual energy to get stronger." A voice said from behind them.
They all turned around. A tall, pale, girl with green eyes and red hair was standing there.
"There is no other reason I can think of", She said.
"Wait what did you say and who are you?"
I am Eva. I am an ability user(stoner).
"How did you find us?"
"I have been tailing you for the last week."
"Why show up now?"
"I needed to make sure if I can trust you or not", replied Eva.
"And what were you saying?"
"I think he is sucking out the spiritual energy to get stronger."
"What?! Why would he need to do that?"
"Maybe the sealing curse weakened him."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I have psychic powers. I can sense spiritual energies and I am sure he is sucking energies to get stronger."
"We hardly have a chance of defeating him now! If he got stronger then it would be impossible! We need to hurry up!"
Didn't you two go to find some lead?", asked Lucas.
"Yeah", Said Kai.
"Did you find anything?", asked Lucas.
"No, not really", said Mira.
"That's bad. He turned to Eva. "Do you have any idea about defeating him?"
"No, I don't know. However, I do know that you need to be hella strong to stand against him. Even with your powers combined, it would take you million years before you even land a scratch on him", taunted Eva.
"What?!" Shouted Mira.
"What? Am I wrong?". She sneered. "You are cursed. You can't useability", she said pointing to Kai.
"And you. You don't even know what your ability is."
"What? I do know my ability!", howled Mira. "This is my great-grandfather's book and I can use it."
"Can you defeat him?", sneered Eva.
"", said Mira feeling low of herself. "But I am sure I can defeat you!" Even though She knew that she was incompetent to defeat him, she wouldn't let someone who degraded her get away easily.
"Is that so?", mocked Eva.
"Yeah! Bring it on", roared Mira.
"Me too. I would break you into pieces!" Yelled Kai.
"Now, now calm down. You can't just come here and start insulting us", said Lucas trying to stop them.
"Oh yeah, You. You haven't shown your traits yet. What is your ability? Or do you have any?"
"I would love to show you", said Lucas a bit frustrated.
"Fine then. Meet at the mountain to the north tomorrow and bring that another girl with you too. Let's see if you are completely useless or not", said Eva challenging them.

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