Another mistake

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They were chasing after him when they saw Lucas and Ellen. Eva stopped. "Ellen and Lucas, there is another attacker", she said.
"Why are you are chasing after him?", asked Ellen.
"He is making us chase him", said Kai.
"Then-", tried to say Ellen.
"Hurry, we don't have time to talk we have to catch him alive no matter what!", said Eva. "I'll go with Lucas, Kai you go with Ellen",
"But I don't have any ability, wouldn't I just be a bother?", asked Ellen.
"No, you are needed. I'll increase your spiritual energy then you will be able to at least defend yourself."
"Are you going to increase my energy too?", asked Nathan.
Kai was about to say something but Eva's glare stopped him. He understood, she had a plan.
Nathan flinched thinking " Why would she pair up with him? What if they like each other?"Nathan felt her heart falling but before it could touch the ground, he grabbed it and placed it back trying to stay optimistic.
Mira thought in the similar manner. She knew it was a plan but she thought Ellen was beautiful which made her nervous and irritated.
"Nathan you go with Mira. Come on, Lucas. Whatever you do, don't kill him".
They all paired up, ran in different directions to find him. Eva and Lucas spotted the man. Chasing him, they reached a park. She clapped her hands upwards and sent massive energy into the sky which bloomed like fireworks signalling others her location.
The man stopped. Eva and Lucas stopped too.
Fire exploded around her, Eva leaped.
The man blasted lava at her from his mouth. Eva formed a psyche shield. As soon as the lava touched it, the shield melted.
The man took a deep breath, Eva and Lucas jumped away,  covering himself in lava making him unreachable. He shot spits of lava wherever they stood. Eva and Lucas sprinted and leaped trying to dodge them.
While trying to save herself, Eva noticed a fountain nearby.  She jumped to Lucas.
"Lucas, distract him."
Centralizing all her attention to water, she raised the huge pond of water in the sky, as it was beyond her limit to carry such a heavy mass but it was her only chance, with a sheer effort she tried to find the water together as long as it was directly above the man and finally letting the water drop him soaking the him. The lava on him cooled to hard rock, making him immovable for a moment. Eva swiftly approached the man who was grunting and struggling to break through. She grabbed his head, looked into his eyes. He froze for some time. Eva put her head on his.
"What are you doing?", asked Lucas.
"Checking his memories", replied Eva.
Suddenly the man looked up, taking a breath he spat lava on her. Eva jumped defending herself with her arms.
With force, the man shattered the rock around her breaking himself free, and leaped towards her. Forming a crystal sword in his hand, Lucas leaped at the man and slashed him in half. The body fell to the ground in two pieces soaking the ground with blood.
"What did you do?!", Eva yelled.
"What?", asked Lucas bewildered.
"Why did you kill him?"
Huh? What do you mean? Was I not supposed to kill him?"
Eva grunted in anger. He had killed him now. There was nothing she could do.
Mira and Nathan reached them followed by Kai and Ellen.
"He is dead?", asked Kai.
"Were you able to scan his memories?", asked Mira.
"No, before I could he killed him", Eva said angrily, "And what took you so long?"
"We were coming when we saw your signal but there were some strange undead animals that delayed us", said Kai.
"They were in our way too", told Mira.
"This was our last chance", Eva grunted and sighed. "What do we do now? We can't just wait for him to attack us again. I am going home."

"Wait, you can't just go", said Lucas.
"So, do you have a strategy?" You just ruined my plan."
"You never told me about this plan of yours!", yelled Lucas.
"Didn't I say we have to catch him alive?! You should have just stayed behind"
"Now, now don't fight", said Ellen trying to calm them.
Eva and Lucas were staring dead into each other's eyes. Mira tried to take Eva away from him while Nathan and Kai took Lucas away.
"It would be okay", said Mira to Eva.
"It was our last chance", moaned Eva.
"He could have done it by mistake", said Ellen.
Eva asked Ellen who was walking beside them, "Ellen, what were you and lucas doing?"
"We were just going to a shop. Last time I gave him some steamed buns and he liked them", told Ellen.
"When did you meet him?", asked Ellen.
"I was returning from school on my bicycle when I saw him-", Ellen flinched, "My cycle! I forgot I parked it by the shop!", she said and ran away.
"You think he did it intentionally?", asked Mira.
"I don't know", said Eva. "He did save me. Ask Kai if Ellen said or did anything suspicious."
"Sure, I would", said Mira.

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