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Lucifer was standing in front of them as they saw him, four men raised from the ground.
They noticed, they are the ones they had fought before.
Each sprinted towards one of them.
"You bit me here, remember?", Simon said pointing to his neck where the mark of kai's fangs was still there.
"It's time for revenge."
Simon raised his hands raising more than dozen stones above the ground and threw them at him. Kai transformed into a bear and smashed most of the rocks. He felt a sudden pain in his hand and noticed a blade of stone had pierced his palm. More such blades were dashing at him through the air.
Kai moaned as he felt his arm being pulled out. He grabbed it firmly pushing it inwards. He jumped swinging his scythe slashed the two left arms of the man. They fell on the ground wetting the ground with blood. As kai saw him, his two arms grew back.
"Is there no way to kill him?" He thought to himself. "He is dead how is fighting in the first place? I have to think of something. What do I do? If there was one more of me it would have been easier.
A light flashed, He heard a sound and looked to the right.
"What is this?! Is this a trap?", said Kai looking at someone who was exact replica of him. It felt as if he was looking into the mirror. "Oi, who are you?"
"I am your clone", he said.
"What? How can I make clones?"
"I don't know. I just popped out. But I do know that I am your clone. Didn't Eva say you can enhance your energy with these weapons or get a new ability?"
"Yeah, she did. So, I got duplication?", said kai excited.
"Seems like it."
Kai screamed. Half of his body turned bloody red. His left eye went blank. His back skin jutted out forming small wings. His left side looked as if it was in flames. Ferociously leaping at the man and teared him in half. His clone disappeared. He thought he had won. But the man got up again. Kai grabbed his head with his hand which were big, red and smashed him in the ground. Simon smirked. Kai felt his body rising above the ground. He was pushed through the air and hit his head in the rock. His head bled. He fell on the ground. Simon came to him, grabbing his hair he lifted his head, "I am not weak like before. I am incapable of dying as long as he lives. My power is ten times more", he said and threw him away by his hair. Kai tried to stand on his feet, his arm and head both were bleeding.

Reman swirled his arm, striked a sharp blow at her. Mira was thrown away. Concentrating her lightning energy in her palm, she hit him with a shock as hard as possible. Reman shrieked and fell. Mira thought she had won. But the man got up again.
"He just can't die, can he?"
Before Mira could see, he attacked from behind. He kept punching her, booted her stomach making her fall on her knees, and thwacked her. She fell some distance away on her back. She could not feel half of her body and maybe was not sure any organ was there who was still working. She heard a cluttering sound. Looking aside, she saw the two daggers that Eva gave her. She had an idea and it was her only chance. She hit him with a blast of fire then gave him an electric shock and amidst the fog, she threw a dagger at him which pierced his chest. The man's body was burnt. He coughed and fell on his knees. Blood came out of his mouth. His eyes went blank.
"Did I kill him?"
The man jerked, got up again. He pulled out the dagger from his chest.
"What should I do?'
He sprinted towards her. His fist was in front of her eyes. She had an immense urge to immobilize him to save herself. He was not moving. Standing there just like a statue he didn't move. Mira didn't understand what happened. Before she should think what happened, she grasped her dagger, gashed through his chest, and electrified him. She put her hand on his body blazing his skin as a bonus. She wasn't sure if her attack had worked or not. Fearing he might attack her again, Mira stepped away from him. As she stared at him for any kind of movement, to her surprise, the man turned to ashes. Confused, she didn't understand what happened.

Gilbert formed energy balls and threw them at her. Eva ducked, dodged most of them. Energy gathered in his palm, a swirling blade was formed. He launched it at her with full thrust parabolically. She dodged, sprinted, and battered him with her urumi. He fell to the ground. She sensed some vibration and turned around. The blade came swirling just behind her. She swung to the side to save herself but her arm was cut deep.
"He cut through my armor?!"
Her arm was bleeding. She swung her urumi again at him. As soon as his arm was hit he grabbed the strands of urumi, hurled it, smashing Eva into the wall.

John devised a silver sword that gleamed in the light of the moon. Their swords clattered. Nathan defended himself with his sword and hit him away. He sprinted towards it and cut his left arm. Feeling proud, he stood back. But his pride was shattered when John grew his arm back. "What are they? Zombies?", thought Nathan. John raised his hand and blades were formed in the sky directed at Nathan. He ran trying to dodge them.

"I don't wanna fight you. Just stop", said Ellen.
Lucifer created a vine that twirled around Ellen. Using the force of air, she cut through it. She swung her flail at him. He jumped dodging it. She jumped and hit him wildly making him smash the ground forming craters.
"I surrender. I will stop now. I understand."
"Huh?Really? Why now?'
"I don't wanna hurt you."
"Don't kid with me."
No sooner did she let her guard down he blew a blast of fire at her. Amidst the mist, Ellen's body was pierced with arrows sharp as glass.
"You were lying again", said Ellen.
"Your mistake for believing me."
Ellen was battered all over.
She tried to stand on her feet but she fell. She tried again.
"I can't stop!", said Ellen. Her voice shook, her legs trembled, her body bled but she was still trying to get up. "Lucas I know you are there", her voice was shaking, and crying, "Listen to me, no matter how many times I fall no matter how many times, if it's for you, I will get up."
"You know you are on the verge of dying", the spirit said, "instead of him shouldn't you worry-"
"Lucas, I love you! I said I will be by your side and I meant it. I won't let you go easily. I know you don't want it so please fight it!", yelled Ellen.
Spirit felt a prickle in itself. "Enough!", it yelled and shot a sharp crystal blade as long as stick at her. She couldn't move. She saw it coming at her. 

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