A mistake

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Mira woke up from a nice sweet sleep. Rubbing her eyes, She pushed the blanket away, got up to her feet from the bed. She looked out of the window. It was a sunny day with few clouds in the sky but it was unlikely that it was going to rain.

Half-asleep, She went to the bathroom in a sloppy walk, turned on the tap, and splashed water on her face to wake herself up. She grabbed the towel nearby and wiped her face.

As she became more awake, the memories of yesterday rushed into her mind. She sped out of the bathroom towards her room and rummaged through her books, closet and grabbed an old leather-covered brown book.

Now she remembered what occurred yesterday. She found a magic book! She used spells however one went wrong. But why does it matter? She is a witch now. But she was worried about the spell she mispronounced. Nothing bad would happen, right?

"Mira, get up or you will be late for school!" Her mother shouted from downstairs.

"School, oh no! I forgot about it. I don't want to go to school," Mira said exasperatedly. "I have a magic book, and instead of using it I have to go to school". Mira grunted.

She was reluctant to get up but knew she had to go. She got up, took for a shower, put on her uniform, and went downstairs for breakfast.

She took her seat at the table.
"The cause of the death is still unknown...."
"Oh dear, it's scary."
"What happened, mum?"
"There has been a death. They say there was no sign of injury or poisoning. It appears as if blood was sucked out from the body, and what surprises the most is that the victim's organs have shrunk and stiffened."

"What?! How is that possible?"

"It sounds unnatural, doesn't it?. The cause of death is still unknown though."


A very disturbing thought came into her mind. What if the spell that she mispronounced last day caused this? "No, it can't be," she discarded the thought. After having her breakfast, she went to school.

The agitation in her mind was still there. She went through school normally, yet stayed on her guard for anything unusual. But throughout the day, she felt as if someone was staring at her, some unusual presence.

She departed from the school and went on her way to her home. She still felt that someone was gazing at her.
"Mira!! Someone called her from behind. She turned around and saw a tall, pale guy.

He had wavy black hair and beautiful black eyes.
It felt as if she had seen him somewhere before." Oh yeah, he is the second-year, a lot of girls has a crush on him- kai saffron", she thought to herself.

"Yes?", She replied in a calm voice. He walked up to her and asked sternly, "Why did you break the seal?"
"What seal?" Mira did confused.

"You broke the seal that bound the Skeleton and freed him."

"What? Freed who? What are you saying?"

"You are the only one who has the power to break the seal."
"You are a Saphrax, aren't you?"

"My last name is Saphrax. But I don't know what you are talking about- "

She remembered the spell she mispronounced. Could it be that it broke some seal and freed someone really bad? Had she made an awfully big mistake?

"I don't know what you are talking about. However, are you sure I am the one who freed whoever this skeleton you speak of?"

He unbuttoned his shirt, pointing to a dark blue mark on his body, he said, "Your spiritual energy matches this curse on my body. I could sense it for there has been an abrupt increase in your energy, However, I have never been able to sense your energy before. How did it grow so abruptly?"

"What energy? Listen, I can't understand a single word of whatever you are saying."

"You don't? Aren't you the descendant of the Nicholas Saphrax?"

"Nichols Saphrax that's my great-grandfather. How do you know him?"

"Know him? He is the one who bestowed this curse upon us."

"A c-curse? My great- grandfather?"

"You don't know? He suspected my ancestor and cursed him. This curse can only break once skeleton is dead. And now he is on loose and you are the one who could free him."

I truly don't know what you are talking about", she said anxiously and ran away from there.

His words kept ringing in her head. She couldn't focus on anything. "My ancestor cursed his family? Why would he do that?" She looked at the book she found yesterday? "Mom said this book belongs to grandma. I can go to her and ask her if she knows anything about it." She decided to go to her grandmother and ask her. She got up and went to her grandmother's house.

She rang the door bell. Her grandmother opened the door.
"Oh my, what a great surprise dear!"
"Hi grandma."
"Come on in."
"How are you? How is your mother?"
"I am fine and mum is well too.
So how did you remember your grandma today?"
Mira decided not to tell anything.
"I was just passing by. Thought I would meet you."
"Is that so? Did you need something from here?", She said placing a piece of cake on the table.
"Grandma look I bought this book. She took out the book from her bag and handed her over." Mira felt dumb to say such a thing.
"It looks like an old book."
"Yeah, it's really filthy."
Why did you buy it?
"Umm... It looked rea-really odd so I bought it."
"You shouldn't waste money."
"Yeah, sorry."
She kept staring at the book.
"I feel like I have it somewhere before. where, where have I seen it? Oh yeah, my father used to have a similar book. I don't actually remember how it exactly looked like. However, it was similar to this."

"Is that so? What-what kind of book that was?" Mira said.
"I don't know."
"Can you remember?"
She stayed silent for some time.

"He was an extremely loving father. He loved mom and me a lot. I still remember, One day he came home wearied and he had a book. He started spending more and more time with it.

I always saw him studying that book carefully and scribbling on his dairy. He would talk lesser as each day passed by and became more impatient. He wouldn't talk to us and mom would often argue with him. I didn't know what they were arguing about. I was very young then."

She paused for sometime
"One day, he and mom had an extremely big argument. He was saying something about leaving to protect something. I can't remember. Mom was trying to stop him. After that, he left home. I never saw him again though I had got some letters from him timely but after sometimes letters stopped coming."

"I am sorry. I made you remember something like that."

"Don't worry. It was ages ago. I was pretty young then so I don't remember much of it."

Mira was silent. She had not expected this. However, it appears that her great grandfather had this book and the thing about him cursing Kai's family could be true. She left her grandmother's house. She was devastated.

It was confirmed now that whatever that guy said was true. She had broken a curse.
Her head was preoccupied with these thoughts on her way home when she heard the news.

"There has been another incident. A body of a man was found. It looked as though that blood had been sucked through his body. His skin had become livid. The eyeballs have shrunk in size. It has been found by necropsy that the organs of the victim had shrunk and stiffened in the similar manner to...."

"Another incident... They seem unnatural. I have a bad feeling about this", Mira said disturbed.

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