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She got up and brought a meal for him.
Checking his temperature, she said, "Your fever is going down. Here, eat this before it gets cold."
He looked at her.
"Why are you helping me?", he asked.
"Huh? What kind of question is that?"
"Still why help me when you can just choose to be not bothered?"
"Because you wouldn't ask anyone for help."
"You don't need to do any of this."
"You are-. I would help you even if you don't want to. Even if it's million times", said Ellena angrily.
"Why?!", said composing herself. "Because you wouldn't ask anyone for help. You wouldn't trust anyone. But if you want you can trust me. I will rather die than break your trust."
His eyes became wide and something tingled his heart.
He saw a silhouette of a man in her.
"Why are you so kind?"
"Why would you go to such lengths to take care of someone like me?"
"You are kind", said Ellena gently.
"You think Someone like me is kind?", questioning the statement.
"Of course."
He remained silent for some time then spoke, "You know, you are the second person to tell me I am kind."
"Who was the first?"
"My father." He paused. "You are just like my father", he said and he averted his face. "He was a good father. But I couldn't do anything." His voice was lonely and painful. Ellen couldn't see his face. It was the first time he spoke to her like this. First time, he shared his pain. She always thought his eyes looked forlorn.
"Things are never the same, are they? No one truly stays by your side. They just leave you", said Lucas.
"I'll be by your side", said Ellena was trying to comfort him but she truly meant her words. "Whenever you need me, I'll be there", She said. She wanted to comfort him, tell him that he wasn't alone. She would be there for him but sometimes he looked unreachable. Maybe he had already closed his heart.
"What? Why do you always say these things? I feel as if there is someone who appreciates me too. Why now? After all this time?", he was murmuring a lot of words. Ellen could not hear him.
"Hey, what do you think about this skeleton? Would he only stop when he kill us?", asked Ellena. "Does he want to demonstrate his power?"
"You think so?", said Lucas.
"What do you mean?", asked Ellen.
"Nothing, I just heard a different version", said Lucas
"What version?", asked Ellen confused.
"About 200 years ago, there had been a community of people with abilities. They were called stoners.
Everything was balanced. They lived just like a normal society except they had abilities. Children with no ability would be born. Some viewed them as a disgrace. Some accepted them. Still, they had a use in their world. However, it wasn't easy to blend in. One such child was Lucifer. Since he had no abilities, his parents saw him as a disgrace. He was seven years old when they found out he had no abilities and abandoned him."
"That so cruel!!", moaned Ellen.
"A man who worked for the ministry department took him in. Since he was ability less, to blend in with them, he had to show that he wasn't worthless. He found a way. He would chant a word and would become invisible. He would chant a different word and get superhuman strength.
Nobody knew how he did that. But now he could use multiple abilities without having any. However, when you think you are outstanding not everyone thinks the same. Some admired him. Some feared him, and some eyed him with suspicion and apprehension. And they were right. He was a brilliant mind. However, he couldn't bring himself to trust anyone. His heart was troubled. Then there was an incident someone from the ministry was killed. Lucifer was blamed for that. He denied the accusations but they showed evidence against him."
"Did he actually do it?", asked Ellen.
"Who knows?" He paused for a second. "Where was I?"
"He was blamed and they showed evidence against him."
"Ah yeah, As the evidence was against him and the victim was dead. He would get a death sentence. But his foster father protested and some also believed that he was innocent. So he was asked to prove his innocence but he couldn't. His foster father made him run away from the country, in his place they killed his father and Lucifer was to be hunted down.
"That's dreadful!! It's so unfair!! What if he was innocent?"
"So Lucifer swore vengeance. He decided to kill the entire race of ability users. After some time, there were a lot of incidents. Normal people were killed. Their skin, the face was dried. Their body looked like a corpse. The eyeballs were popping out. Their spiritual energy was sucked out of their body. Before it was limited to people then people from the ministry were being targeted too. First, one to be killed were the people who gave evidence against Lucifer."
"Oh no!!"
Then he came after their families. He didn't stop until there were only six were left. They tried to stop him. Six powerful stoners defeated him.
"So Lucifer is skeleton?", asked Ellen.
"What do you think?", asked Lucas.
"About what?"
"Was he right to kill them?'
"I don't know... I don't know if he was right to kill them or not. What he went through was awful. However, nothing gives him the right to kill innocent people. Once you have lost something, you have lost it. Vengeance, resentment, anger nothing can fill your heart. But if you have someone you can hold onto, it can lessen the pain. He didn't have anyone. He didn't know love. It can't be helped that he went down that road. But nothing gives him the right to kill innocent people."
"Do you hate him?"
"Not really. A broken soul does not know right or wrong. It just knows its grief", said Ellen
"Do you have someone to hold onto?", asked Lucifer.
"I have someone to hold onto that's why I can go on. Now I have found more."
"More?", asked Lucas.
"Yeah, you all are. I feel really close to you all."
"To me too?", asked lucas.
"Of course", said Ellen.
"You wanna hold onto me too?"
"More than anything."
Do you have someone to hold onto?", asked Ellen.
"I guess I do."
Love...?", he whispered but ellen couldn't hear him.
"Do you think someone would have loved him?"
"Sure. I would have. I would have made sure he never felt lonely in his life."
"Lonely.." he whispered. "Yeah, I guess he was feeling lonely."
She looked out of the window, saw the sun setting.
"Your fever has gone down. I have prepared your dinner", said Ellen.
"It's getting dark, I'll go home now."
"You are going?", he asked, for some reason he didn't want her to go.
"I'll be here tomorrow to check up on you", she grabbed her bag and got up
Lucas grabbed her arm and asked, "You would come tomorrow?"
Ellen was surprised and said "Yeah. Well, if you don't want me to...", Ellen said mockingly but he didn't respond.
"Then, I'll come tomorrow", she said as she got up.
"Bye." She waved him goodbye but he didn't wave back so she shut the door and went on her way.
"Bye." He whispered.
"Take care."

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