Why are you here?

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Lucas fell to his knees.
"Are you okay?", She grabbed his arm. "You have an extremely high fever."
"I am okay."
"What okay?", Your face is all red. "You need to rest."
"I am fine."
"Tell me where your home is?"
"I said I am fine."
She grunted,"Fine! Let's go to my house then!"
"No way! I am not going to your house."
"Then tell me where is yours?"
After a little debate, he gave in and told her the way.
They reached a two-story building with six apartments.
"Is this the place?", asked Ellen.
"Which one is yours?", she said asking about the apartments.
Second-last from the right.
She helped him walk up the stairs, and both went into his apartment. Opening the door, they entered. It was small apartment with almost no furniture in it. There was no bed. She helped him sit down. "You have nothing here. How do you live?", She asked.
"I just moved here for some days to find that murderer." "Then, do you sleep on floor?"
"There are some bedsheets and a blanket in the cupboard", Lucas said. She searched the cupboard and found some bedsheets. She laid them on the floor and helped lucas to lie on them.
"Why don't you go back?", he asked frustrated by her.
"Say it one more time, and I am going to spend the whole day here."
Ellen was standing near the cupboard when she noticed something in the corner and went to take a look  and screamed, jumped and ran to him. Her face was buried into his chest and she was holding onto him tightly.
"Why are shouting?", asked Lucas. He was already angry enough but now she was all over him screaming.
"There is that!", yelled Ellena.
"What? What is it?"
He peered at where she was pointing her finger.
"That eight legged parasite!"
"Parasite?", He saw a cockroach coming out from behind the cupboard.
"It's a cockroach. It neither has eight legs nor it is a parasite. it has six legs not and it's an insect."
"Who cares how many legs it has? It's disgusting to look at and it makes me lose blood!"
It fluttered its wings and flew.
"It flying! its flying! That parasite is flying.Go, come on do something about it!"
"First get up from over me",
She realized she was leaned on him, clinging to him and quickly got up, without making eye contact with him. Her face was all red.
His face was pink too.
"You know I am sick, right?", he said as he got up, killed the cockroach and threw it out of the window.
"Is it okay, now?"
"Yes." Her face was still red.
"Your face is red. Did you get sick too?"
"I am not sick!! Just go to your bed. By the way, you should properly clean your house there could be more of these."
"There isn't", He sighed. "Shouldn't you go now?"
"Huh?" You are sick. "I can't leave you alone", said Ellen.
"Seriously, don't you have anything to do?"
"I have a lot of things to do but nothing as important as helping a sick friend. I'll go once I make sure you are fine."
She urged him to lay down. "Do you have any medicine?", asked Ellen.
"No, you have done enough you don't nee-",
"I'll go buy some and change your clothes before I come back", said Ellen ignoring him. She grabbed her umbrella and rushed outside. She went to home to change her clothes too and then went to shopping.  After sometime she returned with a bag of groceries and some medicine. Lucas heard the door shut.
She put the groceries in the kitchen and came to him with a glass of water and some medicine. He had changed his clothes and was laying in his bed. She stretched her hand giving medicine to Lucas.
"Here, have this", said Ellen.
Lucas got up. "There is no meaning in giving me any medicine."
"Why do you always say such things?",
Lucas knew she wouldn't listen so he took the medicine,  covered himself in the blanket and turned to side.
Ellen went to the kitchen to make him something. After she was done, she came back and sat near his bed where he was sleeping. She stared at his face and laid beside him on the floor and kept starting at his face. "He is so beautiful. I want to make him happy", she thought remembering him crying in the rain.

He woke up, opening his eyes he saw a pale soft hand and realized he was holding onto it. His eyes widened, he quickly put his hand away from hers. He looked at Ellen who was sleeping on the floor.
"This girl, no matter what I said she still stayed here", Lucas thought to herself. "What would she gain from this?"
While staring at her, he stretched his hand and held hers, their fingers entwined. He remembered how she got scared of a cockroach and chuckled. He looked at her, "Her hands, they are soft and warm", he thought. He remembered how she hugged him in rain, "you are not alone", her words rang in his mind. "Why is she always there when I need her?", he held her hand more firmly. " Can I hold onto this hand forever?", gently looking at her. "No, no what am I thinking", he was still holding her hand. Lucas saw Ellen's eyes fluttering. Quickly pulling his hand back, he turned to the other side, laying on his back, and pretended to sleep. Ellen woke up yawning. She stretched herself and rubbing her eyes, she saw Lucas.
"Oh no! I fell asleep", said Ellen. "Is he still sleeping?" She leaned forward to take a look at him. "Has his fever gone down?", she put her hand on his forehead. Lucas opened his eyes, their eyes met. Ellen blushed backing away.
"How are you feeling now?", she asked, her face still pink.
"I am fine", said Lucas getting up to sit.
She noticed a mark on his arm.
"Lucas, your arm", she said reaching his arm.
"Don't touch it", yelled Lucas quickly pulling his arm back.
"But your arm, is it wounded?", asked Ellen concerned.
"No, it's not."
"Then why don't you let me see it?", said Ellen reaching for his arm again.
"You know, sometimes you pry too much", he said grabbing her hand and looking into her eyes.
"I said it's fine then it's fi-", Lucas was saying when he felt dizzy and his head fell on her shoulder.
"I am fine", he said trying to get up.
"You should lay down", she said.
"No, I am fine." 

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