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Next day, Eva was waiting at the mountain when she saw Mira coming and said,"I didn't think you would come."
" You thought wrong", said Mira.
"Where are the others?", asked Eva.
"I don't know", replied Mira."Let's start. Safire!"
The spot where Eva was standing burst into flames. Eva leaped. While in the mid-air she concentrated energy in her palms and hurled at her. Mira formed a shield from her hand but the force so strong that her feet slid on the ground. Psyche balls was penetrating the shield making the shield crumble. Mira jumped making psyche balls hit the ground and forming craters.

"That girl who does she think she is? Challenging us like that. She doesn't even know anything about our curse." He was on his way back thinking about what had happened yesterday when he spotted a blonde girl and called out to her. "
"Ellena!", He yelled as he ran up to her across the road.
"Yes?", the girl stood in a state of confusion.
"We found another stoner. We are all going to meet her at the mountain. She asked you to come too."
"I am sorry? Do I know you?", asked a confused Ellen.
"What? What are you saying?"
"I am sorry I don't think I know you."
"Huh?! What do you mean you don't know me?"
"I am sorry I need to be somewhere."
"Hey! Wait-"
Something rushed past him and hit the pole in front of him with a loud thud. As he stared, the pole as heavy as metal was falling on them. Kai quickly grabbed Ellen and moved out of the trajectory of the pole.
"Are you okay?", asked Kai.
"Yeah. I am fine. But how did it suddenly fall?", asked Ellen.
As he stood confused, something whacked him from behind. He flew through the air and landed on his back. He saw a pair of big hands rising above him to smash him. He turned twice on his back to move out of the way and got up on his feet. A man with lime green eyes and horns projecting from his head was standing there. He looked as if he had no mind. He outstretched his hand towards him. Kai felt his body rising above the ground.  Looking down, he saw himself to be an inch above the ground. His body moved towards the man on its own, the man grabbed his throat. Both were looking into each other's eyes. Every inch of Kai's body was scorching. His skin was igniting. He shrieked in pain. He couldn't understand what was going on. All he knew, he needed to save himself, or this would be his last day. He pulled himself together and kicked the man's stomach as violently as he could. The man coughed, his grasp weakened and Kai freed himself. The man striked him with his fist smashing him into the wall. He moved towards for another hit. Kai couldn't move. Before the man could hit him, Ellen jumped in taking the hit herself. She flew through the air. She couldn't defend herself and her body was injured.The man ran towards Emma. Kai got up and shielded her blowing a violent strike at the man. He transformed into a wolf, sprinted towards the man, leaped at him, and scratched his face. The man growled. Kai leaped again and ripped some of his gut. The man was bleeding. The blood was flowing down like streaming water. He grabbed Kai with his blood-stained hands and smashed him against the ground. Kai whimpered. He transformed back. The man threw a punch in his stomach. He coughed. Kai saw him raising one more punch. He didn't have the strength to move and he was sure his body wouldn't be able to endure another blow. He looked at the man fist as his end was near. Something hit the man's head. He halted and looked down, and saw a stone. Another stone hit him again. He turned around. Another heavier stone hit his face. "Ellena! What are you doing?! Run! Or he would kill you!!", screamed Kai.
The man howled and ran towards her. She ran. Kai shielded her and blew a violent strike at him and he flew away.
"Ellena! Go away. Mira could be in the mountains. Tell her."
"I don't know who Mira is!" Screamed Ellena.
"Just go to the mountains. You would find two girls there. Tell them what happened."
The man got up to his feet. He was bleeding head to toe.
Kai was bleeding too. His left arm had gone numb. His head was bleeding, his legs were trembling. He saw a metal rod near him, picked it up as soon as he could, and gashed it through the man's chest. The man was still standing. Both were dashing towards each other. The man directed his punch at Kai, he ducked and transformed into a serpent, glided forward swiftly using his ribs and belly scales to push backward, twisted himself helically around him, and sunk his venomous fangs into his skin near the neck. The man shrieked, grabbed Kai, and threw him away. Kai fell unconscious on the ground. Outraged, he was marching towards him, when the man felt his body freeze and fell dead on the ground. 

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