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They looked at each other.
"I never expected it could be something like this", Kai said.
"How would we do it? Separate him from spirit, destroy the grave. It's way too complicated."
"Is it even true? What if it is some sort of mistake?", said Mira uncertain.
"But this is our only chance.
I know we have to take this." "But how would we do it?", asked Mira
"First, let's tell others", offered Kai.
"Yeah, let's tell others. Maybe we would be able to come up with a strategy", said Mira.
No sooner did they stand than her phone rang. She picked it up.
"Eva. Yeah, we are coming.
She said to meet at the back of the mountain."
"Why?", asked Kai.
"She didn't say. Well, it's perfect. We can tell them what we have found too", She sounded a little worried.
They both came out of the house. Mira locked the door and both went towards the mountain. On their way, Mira saw Nathan coming towards them.
"What are you doing here?", Kai asked. "Shouldn't you be in the hospital?"
"They said I could go. My wounds are almost healed."
"Then shouldn't you be resting?", asked Kai.
"I am just taking a walk. By the way, where are you going?", asked Nathan.
"We are going to the mountain, Eva called us."
"Eva did? Can I come too?", he asked sounding like a puppy.
"No. Go home and rest", commanded Kai.
"Please, please, please."
"Whatever. After that, you have to go home", kai finally gave in.
The three of them headed to the mountain.
Ellen and Eva were already there when they reached.
Eva noticed Nathan. "What is he doing here?"
"He met us on the way and came along", told Mira.
"Shouldn't you be resting?", asked Eva.
"Are you worried?", asked Nathan.
"Not at all", she gave a blunt answer.
"So Why did you call us?", asked Mira.
"Do you want to do something about the current situation?", asked Eva.
"What do you mean?", asked Mira.
"From what I can see, you all are depressed because he played you. Don't you want to get back at him?", Eva said.
"You are saying it as if it's a child's play", Kai said.
"Well, he played us like a fool. I want to kill him, what about you?", Eva asked others.
Ellen flinched. Maybe "kill him" was hard to hear for her.
"I want to get rid of him too", said Mira.
"Good then." Eva said.
"But we can't just kill him", Mira said.
"What do you mean?", asked Nathan.
Mira explained everything about destroying the grave to them.
"Destroy the grave? You found that in Nicholas's book", said Eva.
"But how would we do that?", asked Eva.
"We would have to push him to his limits", told Kai.
"How?", asked Nathan.
"Maybe enhancing our energies could work", Kai said.
"But how would we do that in such a short time?", asked Mira.
"We can", said Eva.
"Last time we fought. I fought against a guy who could conjure weapons out of thin air. Before he died, he snapped out of his hypnosis and told me he had made some weapons. We can use them against him. I searched his memories and found the location of the weapons. I also found that his name was Gilbert. The other one was Reman. They all were stoners", explained Eva. "So I have collected the weapons. They would enhance your spiritual energy and can even give you another ability. Even the ones with no ability can acquire a stone."
"That's awesome! That way we may stand a chance", said Mira.
"Yeah. It's great."
She raised her hand in the air, a scythe appear.
"Kai, you can have it."
"I don't think it would suit me", said Kai.
She ignored him.
"That's for you, Mira."
She gave him two daggers.
"Would this really work?"
"It has to, otherwise we are good as dead."
Ellen had remained silent during the whole conversation.
"Ellen, do you want to join this battle?", asked Eva.
"I- yeah I will."
"This is for you", Eva said, handing her a flail.
"Ellen your weapon can help you open portals. All your weapons would help you to teleport him to a place-"
"Hey-" Nathan interrupted. She ignored him.
"If anyone of you find him teleport him to a place. Your weapon would send signal to other on its own and you could teleport there too", Eva explained.
"Where is my weapon?",  Nathan asked.
"You are injured. Why would I give you one?", howled Eva.
"What? But I wanna fight too", whimpered Nathan.
"You should go home and rest", Eva demanded.
"I am going to fight alongside you." He said.
"I don't have any weapon for you. It would be better for you to stay out of this", barked Eva.
Eva took her bag and went to go out of the forest.
"She just doesn't want you to get hurt", said kai patting him on the shoulder trying to console him. He moved his hand away.
"Yeah, whatever", he said and went in another direction.
Mira was observing Ellen.
"Ellen? Are you okay?", She said gently.
"I am fine", she said without looking up.
"Don't worry about me. He brought it on himself. He doesn't wanna trust anyone then let it be", she said and got up to leave.

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