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Mira was making her way to the second-year classroom through the busy corridor of the school during lunch break. She was anxious to talk to Kai but she ought to know the truth. She had got to know whether the recent news of two people's demise was due to any supernatural causes.
She had reached the classroom and was hesitant to enter. Gathering all her courage, she walked into the classroom. She glanced around, spotting him, she called out to him.
He was surprised to see her here. However, he knew sooner or later they had to talk. He got up and walked up to her and both went out of the class.
"What is it?"
She didn't know what to say. She didn't want to mention the book unless she knew she could trust him.
"It- umm... I am sorry that I didn't believe you before. It seems that- I um saw the news. The incident was quite supernatural. So um did he do that?"
Her heart skipped a beat. The very words she didn't wanna hear. "It's all my fault", She thought to herself. She stared at him with her guilty eyes hoping that he would say, "No, he didn't. The incident is not related to him."
He sighed and said,
"Meet me after school at Papa Jake's near the school."

Mira was waiting anxiously at the table for him. She had no idea what would come about from now on. What would she do? She accidentally liberated a supernatural being from a curse. Now he was on the loose killing people. How could she forgive herself? How could she repair the damage? Was there even a way to restore what had been lost now? All these thoughts were rushing into her mind like a stream of water. Fear was devouring her. She was so preoccupied with guilt that she didn't even notice Kai  walking past by his seat and sitting in front, facing her on the couch.
He looked at her and her distressed expressions.
She seemed not to hear him.
"Hey, Mira!!"
She looked up.
"Are you okay?"
"No, I am not." Her voice was trembling." Please, tell me what is this all about? Who is he?"
"Skeleton was a criminal and a manipulative liar."
He sighed. "It appears that you nothing about anything at all." He looked into her eyes. "Fine, listen carefully. About 200 years ago, there had been a community of people with abilities. They were called stoners. There was a child who was ability less, that was him. There was an incident just like last night. He was accused of the crime and given the death penalty. His father let him escape the country. So his father was killed and he was to be hunted down. In revenge, he decided to murder every living whether it's a man, woman, or child.
He didn't have any abilities but his mind was enough for him. He was cruel, evil, and a manipulative liar. However, he was very witty. He killed almost everyone. However, he was stopped by six great wizards. Two of them was your great- grandfather Nicholas Saphrax and my great- grandfather William Saffron. They killed him. Well, they thought they had. But some of them were still uncertain about his death. So a curse was to be performed. William offered the curse to be performed on him. The curse would be broken if he were dead. However, even after defeating him, the curse didn't break. They had no idea where he was or how could they find him. They were scared. The fear made them fight among themselves. They all went their separate ways. However, he was never found. How? They needed to find out. He was not killed just cursed.
"The same curse that's on your body."
"Now similar incidents are occurring again. He is on loose now."
"Yeah." He paused for some time. "However, I don't think you would have freed him. Since you didn't know anything, there's no way you would have done that."
"Actually, I think I might have. I found this book. It belonged to my great grandfather, it might be related to his ability. I tried to use it. There were some spells in it. And I messed up the last one I used."
"What?!!, oh no."
"I am so sorry!"
Sorry won't solve this! Look at what you have done! Now he is out there and he is going to kill us and our families. Innocents are becoming victims! He sighed, taking control of himself he said," But what would come out of saying this now? We need to find a solution. We need to kill him for once and all."
"We? You mean me too?"
"Who else?"
"But just we two can't do it?"
"Then we have to find the others."
"Yeah, as I told you there were still six left."
"We have to find the other six."
"Where are we going to find them?"
"I don't know", he said as he got up."
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Wait! I am sorry-,"she said to a stranger as she bumped into him. "Listen!"
Mira followed him out of the building.
Kai turned around and saw a man standing behind her. Two limbs sprouted from the man's body. His body grew double the size and red as blood. His eyes became black, nails grew like an eagle's claws. He opened his jaw and his teeth were so sharp that could tear anyone in an instant.
The appearance of the man sent a chill down Kai's spine. He wanted to shout but words won't come out.
He gathered the courage and yelled, "Mira!! Behind you!"
Mira turned around and shrieked in fear. Kai grabbed her hand and ran as fast as he could away from him but he too was following them.
"Is that him?!"
"I don't know. I think his target is us."
"What?! Why?!"
"Just run!"
She looked behind, "he is not behind us!"
"He is not!" He looked behind without stopping.
"Kai! Front!"
The man swung his arm through the air and knocked him hard. They both were pushed through the air, smashed against the wall. It felt as if their organs were squashed together.
"You okay?", said Kai. His voice was cracking, gasping for breath. His whole body was shaking, and he was struggling to stand on his feet.
He helped her stand.
"We can't take him on here. There are people."
"Take him on?! He is a beast!" "How do you suppose to beat him?"
"I can use my stone. The curse is weakened. Now run."
They both dashed and didn't stop until they reached a narrow alley.
"It-, Kai said panting, "would be... okay here."
Mira fell on her knees. Rather than running, fear had sapped her of energy. The man jumped in front of them from a tall building.
"What do we do?"
"You have your book, right? Use it. Now stand back."
Kai's eyes turned crystal red with a tinge of yellow in them. He got down on all fours. His limbs transformed into an animal's limbs. The legs were moderately longer. He had a large, deeply descending ribcage and sloping back, and a heavily built neck. There was hair on all his body. His ears and torso became shorter, and a long tail grew from behind. His teeth looked heavy and large which could crush bones in a trice. In an instant, he turned into a grey wolf and leaped at the man, sunk his glass-like sharp teeth into man's neck.
The man gave a sharp shriek and yanked Kai, and threw him away like an insect. He leaped at him and sank his claws into Kai's throat so deep that blood came out tricking down his pale skin. He squealed in pain.
"Kai!!", cried Mira.
She needed to do something. Putting her fear aside, she rustled through the pages of the book and yelled, "Safire!"
The man shrieked as his body submerged in flames, dropping Kai on the floor. Kai transformed back to his human body. Mira ran up to him. "Kai! Kai! Open your eyes. Come on!"
He opened his eyes. Oh, thank God. I was so scared.
Behind you!!
Before she could turn around, she was whacked so hard that she landed against the wall, hitting her head, she fell to the ground.
It felt as if her whole body had gone numb. The silhouette of the man drew nearer. She struggled to get up but to no avail. Was it her last moment? Is this how she was going to die?

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